Today i will answer your Quation... why i dont Encourage Haters - TopicsExpress


Today i will answer your Quation... why i dont Encourage Haters or Enamy staff... ???? My answer :-) sorry i didint get Time to posted you on time ...According Time And you all know my Bussy Situation! wile today is happy suterday so i want you Feel Free ,And let it go your offended ... This what bible say ... To the True follower of Jesus this is the rule... Dont follow Christians !!!! Follow Christ !!! And you will win like me... In every aria of your Life you are Free ... Very funny Most of Christian when they Fight with People or Hate someone ... They dont want hear at all what Jesus Said Noooo , they want go on the Verse Moses or David ... Who are you following here??? Dont be decived... When Jesus died Each Minute was his Pray forgive them.. When Steven was stond his Pray was forgive them why is this subject so important to Jesus ??? As simple as its with Out forgiveness God will Never forgive us this Thing is serious it will Lead us to hell... Many Christan are Those days blind by Devil him Self he blind them to dont forgive... He blind them to dont get attantion what Jesus say... The bible say the Devil know the bible more than us... He will make you to be Going in Anger Bitternisse And he will give you Verse which more to Encourage your Anger Thats is Moses thought And David thought... Who was King David?? King David who wrote this Psalm had quite a history. I think some parts of David’s life we can all relate to. David was also a shepherd and took care of the family sheep. The Lord gave him such strength and agility that he was able to kill a lion and a bear with his bare hands. 1 Samuel 17:35. David killed Goliath when David was a young boy. The Lord through the prophet Samuel anointed David King over Israel. But David started to take it easy and did not go out with his fighting me. He slept with one of his commanders wives. She became pregnant and he had her husband murdered. The Lord took David’s child born to David and Bathsheba but then blessed their second child Solomon. But David had other wives and children and in the end they warred against each other. You could say that David’s absence and lack of loyalty to one woman gave him a horrible dysfunctional family. So how does this help us? It shows us that we can mess us but still gain Gods favor and mercy when we repent of our sins. Have you ever messed up and someone has never forgiven you? Are you still carrying that burden around with you even though the Lord a long time ago wiped the slate clean? So why do we value man’s opinion more than God? It is because we spend more time with man than with God. We see more of man than God. BUT what if you did this? What if you started spending more time with God though prayer and reading His word? What if you started to think of God more in everything you did? You would then be able to see that in the midst of all this junk that the world has to offer God does indeed provide a table before you in the presence of your enemies. verse. Our enemies can be a physical enemy or that enemy can be the devil or worry, shame, resentment, anger or a host of other enemies we think are there but cannot see. In our mind though we know they are coming. They are Wicked to Cover There Anger And Bitternisse... They go on this Verse.. 1,The Enemy You See Today, You Will See No More Forever. The children of Israel had been set free from .. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. Exodus 14 :13 What seems to tend to the churchs ruin, is often overruled to the ruin of the churchs enemies.(Stop this foolishness) Who Said this Verse Moses Not Jesus ... In your life, if you come across those you do not get along with and you consider them your earthly enemies, understand that they are just humans, too. They may be bad people, but if you followChrist we cannot let ourselves become dark and malicious like other people. Jesus taught us to NOT seek vengeance. If anything, we should seek to understand and forgive our enemies. But in the end… always remember: Satan is Christianitys enemy. Dont let the enemy win - use the Bible to stay on course and defeat Satan. What Jesus Said about Enemy??? Matthew 5:43 You have heard that it has been said, You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you; 1 Peter 3:9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that you are thereunto called, that you should inherit a blessing. So why you egnore Jesus words And Run to Moses Verse or David Verse Open your eyes dont let your Bitternisse And Anger Turn your to evil.., That why i dont agree with any Post about Enamy ... To me Devil is the only Enamy... Not Human so dont Force me of send me any inbox to follow any haters or Enamy Staff Coz i dont have Time for it keep it for your Self if the Resion you Blocked from my Page is this the Main Resion... Keep Take you junke for your Self... No Time for Hate i dont agree with anyone Hate Message why Not be from my Love One .. I follow Jesus Not Any man ...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:54:04 +0000

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