Today im feeling extremely grateful im the happiest ive been.Close - TopicsExpress


Today im feeling extremely grateful im the happiest ive been.Close to two years out of depression and 70 pounds lighter ive past my first goal and im closing on my last! Theres so many people who have helped me in ways most of you im sure didnt even realize. London EnglandDominic MontoyaJames Mathisen all of you guys chance and jake too all of you guys really taught me to laugh in a time where there wasnt a lot of laughter in my life. I cant go without mentioning David Schamehorn if you had never decided to take me with you to Virginia for my first summer i dont know where i would be. I cant dream of leaving out my brotege Ray Gonzo Gonzalez for seeing the potential and treating me like a brother, you helped me make the biggest steps to getting out of my shell ill never forget it.All of you from my first summer with vivint you guys made sure i could make it through to the end. If it hadnt been for you guys i would have never made it to a second summer. I cant mention my most recent summer without mention Michael Smith who has been the best friend i could ask for, i just hope i can find a way to repay you for everything. Im so happy i took Nathan and Jacob Street with me to el paso it was an experience ill never forget. You guys have become some of my closest friends and brothers i cant say enough about you guys.My second summer as a rep could have never happened without David Prince who has been one of my best mentors and friends.I may have not made it through that one haha but i learned so much. Im so grateful for my all my friends in Arizona who accepted me back like i never left. Jarrett Downey you took me in and treating me like a brother after years of not seeing each other you really dont know how much it means to me.. Kaila Brewer Robin Durant Nathan Ward Dominic you all took me in as family and it means so much.You guys have been so patient haha and understanding im going to make it up to you guys one day. Theres so many people who arent on this list you all know who you are. I cant wait to see where were all at in a year.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:57:35 +0000

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