Today in Britain we have a crisis and its one of our politicians - TopicsExpress


Today in Britain we have a crisis and its one of our politicians making, while they award themselves ridiculously high pension rises we have poverty on a grand scale, we have a crisis in mental health, we have a crisis amongst the elderly, we have a crisis amongst the homeless and to make things worse Christmas is cancelled for many. Which politicians are to blame i hear you cry well apart from a couple the rest that remain in Westminster, i am so god damned angry that those greedy bastards line their own pockets before they ever think of us, take all the major party leaders neither one of them care less, no they are going to have a good Christmas yes they are going to have roast turkey and all the trimmings of that there is no doubt. Yes they really are the scum of the earth none of them worth anything. I have a dream and its one where the Conservatives Liberal Democrats UKIP and Labour do not exist, as they have all failed in their duty of care to the British public. I also have a dream where power is in the hands of the regions, where local policies are in the hands of local people when what is spent in the area stays in the area. Its simply not a case anymore where we let a bunch of outdated politicians dictate what we do as that has clearly failed, no we need a new clear voice and one that cares for the people of these nations of ours and not the elites. Its time to break Westminsters stranglehold and that means ditching the 4 shades of blue and electing those who really care so to my very dear Scots i say wipe out Labour in Scotland and elect a SNP candidate, in my beloved Cornwall lets dump both Liberal Democrats and Conservatives and vote for Mebyon Kernow while those in Wales vote Plaid Cymru, as they are the real choices that we Celts have.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:52:43 +0000

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