Today in History on This Day Monday 27th January - TopicsExpress


Today in History on This Day Monday 27th January 2014 Historical Events Events 1 - 15 98 - Trajan becomes Roman Emperor after the death of Nerva. 661 - Rashidun Caliphate ended with death of Ali. 672 - St Vitalian ends his reign as Catholic Pope 847 - Sergius II ends his reign as Catholic Pope 1142 - Wrongful execution of noted Song Dynasty General Yue Fei. 1302 - Dante becomes a Florentine political exile 1343 - Pope Clement VI issues the Bull Unigenitus. 1538 - States of Gelderland accepts Willem van Kleef as viceroy 1556 - Willem of Orange becomes knight of Guilder Flies 1593 - Vatican opens 7 year trial against scholar Giordano Bruno 1662 - 1st American lime kiln begins operation (Providence RI) 1671 - Pirate Henry Morgen lands at Panama City 1695 - Mustafa II becomes the Ottoman sultan in Istanbul on the death of Ahmed II. Mustafa rules until his death in 1703. 1710 - Czar Peter the Great sets 1st Russian state budget 1736 - Abdication of Stanislas, last king of Poland Famous Birthdays Born Today Philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingPhilosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775) Birthdays 1 - 15 1443 - Albert, Duke of Saxony (d. 1500) 1546 - Joachim III Frederick, elector (Brandenburg) 1556 - Abbas I, the Great, shah of Persia (1587-1629) 1585 - Hendrick Avercamp, Dutch painter (d. 1634) 1592 - Pierre de La Barre, composer 1603 - Harbottle Grimston, English politician (d. 1685) 1621 - Thomas Willis, English physician (d. 1675) 1662 - Richard Bentley, Oulton, scholar/controversialist 1679 - Jean-Francois de Troy, French painter 1701 - Johann N von Hontheim, German church historian/suffragan (bishop) 1715 - Vaclav Kalous, composer 1720 - Samuel Foote, England, actor/dramatist (Mirror) 1723 - Johann A Cramer, prime minister/poet 1741 - Hester Thrale, Welsh diarist (d. 1821) 1756 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austria, musical prodigy/composer (Figaro), (d. 1791) Famous Weddings Weddings 1 - 3 1186 - Henry VI, the son and heir of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I, weds Constance of Sicily. 1996 - ER TV actress Yvette Freeman (39) weds musical director Lawny Hartley (49) in Dunleith, Delaware 2006 - Mexican Latin Grammy Award singer Ana Barbara (35) weds Jose Maria Fernandez in Mexico Famous Divorces Divorces 1 - 1 1997 - Wall Street actor Charlie Sheen (31) divorces model Donna Peele after nearly 5 months of getting married Famous Deaths Passed Away Today British Admiral Samuel HoodBritish Admiral Samuel Hood (1816) Deaths 1 - 15 98 - Marius Cocceius Nerva, emperor of Rome (96-98), dies at about 67 661 - Death of Ali, the final Sunni Rashidun and first Shia Imam.(b. 599 or 600) 672 - Vitalianus, pope (657-72)/saint, dies 847 - Sergius II, pope (844-47), dies 1164 - Abraham ibn Ezra, poet/philosopher, dies 1490 - Ashikaga Yoshimasa, Japanese shogun (b. 1435) 1540 - Angela Merici, Italian monk/monastery, dies 1565 - Robrecht de Berghes, prince-bishop of Liege (1557-64), dies 1612 - Maarten van Valckenborch, Flemish painter, buried at about 77 1625 - Adriaen Valerius, notary/Neth Gedenck-clanck, dies at about 49 1629 - Hieronymus Praetorius, composer, dies at 68 1638 - Gonzalo de Céspedes y Meneses, Spanish novelist 1669 - Gaspar de Crayer, Flemish painter, dies at 87 1699 - William Temple, statesman, dies 1731 - Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori, Ital piano builder, dies at 75
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:28:47 +0000

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