Today in the world of Cainans adoption - Two weeks have past since - TopicsExpress


Today in the world of Cainans adoption - Two weeks have past since his surgery. His lip is healing an we are getting ready to go back for his post op. appointment. I am home alone with him, the girls are at school and I hear a crash in the playroom. I go in and Cainan has fallen and I see my nightmare - his lip is bleeding. He hit it just right on the corner of a cabinet in there. I get the bleeding under control and call the Craniofacial doctor. He says to keep an eye on it and call him back in a few hours to make sure all is fine. The bleeding stops pretty easily, but as the day goes along, as I look at his incision, I see it is split. I cant believe it. The stitches are dissolved! I call the doctor back and he cant believe it either. Finds it odd that it has split now. So he has us bring him into the office right away. We drive all the way to Ft. Lauderdale and he takes one look at his split incision and tells me what I already knew - he is going to have to go back into surgery to have it re-repaired. I was so upset. We went home and packed and the next morning we headed off to the hospital. I was told it would be quick - maybe about 45 minutes and I would be able to take him home right after the surgery. About half way through the surgery, Dr. Stelnicki comes out and pulls me into the conference room. The news isnt good. It wasnt the fall that split his lip. It was an infection. It wasnt anything we had done - he had an infection already in his nose when the first surgery started was his guess - something he brought with him from China. It settled in the incision. He had to take the whole area down, clean it out and put it back together a bit. He had to take down the side of his nose that he had rounded out to make room for all of the packing. (and we would find that in the future trying to refix this would prove to be impossible). I couldnt believe it. And the worst news? He wasnt sure what was causing the infection and so infectious disease was involved and we would be staying in the hospital until they got it under control. I guess it was very, very bad. I called Mat because we had nothing with us to stay in the hospital over night - let alone more than that. Mat came down that evening and agreed to spend the first night with him. He was in the ICU because the surgery was so intense and the night was noisy and neither got very much rest. In all we ended up being in the hospital nearly a week. The last day we were there the infectious disease doctor (who was about the nicest guy on the planet) came in at 7am jumping for joy. They had figured out what kind of infection Cainan had. He had an E.coli infection in his nose of all things. Definitely brought with him from China, and they figured out an antibiotic that would kill it. He got his first dose IV in the hospital, and they figured he could send us home with the pill version for the next two weeks. Because we now had fresh stitches, and now packing in his nose that we had to change, he was back in the arm restraints and back on the liquid diet. One step forward, two steps back. Poor little baby. So home we went to heal. Again. The next surgery would be in November to repair his palate, so we had a bit of a break before we had to go back. By this time, too, we have got Cainan walking! A positive! He is unsteady due to all the crap he has on, but he is up. Speech therapy will start soon so he begins to talk more. And soon we will be dealing with his thumbs to figure out how to straighten them out. It is going to be a long year.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 12:12:14 +0000

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