Today is 4 June, 1944. General Eisenhower has made the decision - TopicsExpress


Today is 4 June, 1944. General Eisenhower has made the decision for a close drop of airborne units to keep the Germans busy while the invasion force comes ashore. With the projected losses at seventy percent it will be sheer carnage for them, but to drop them farther away would mean no support for the invasion force and the operation would be a failure. ‘Ike’ states that this is the toughest decision he has ever had to make. As well on this day, he has had to deal with the arrogance of General DeGaulle, the current acting leader of France, which in itself was no easy task. He has also had to postpone the invasion date from 5 June to 6 June because of weather problems in the English Channel. He was advised that the invasion must be 6 June or it would have to be put off another three weeks and the possibilities of the Germans discovering what was about to happen could have devastating effects. He set the go date for Tuesday, 6 June,1944. Again as I write this, I can’t begin to imagine the tension and stress of General Eisenhower and the others involved, such as, General Omar Bradley, who was in command of the U.S. landing forces, and Air Marshall Leigh-Mallory, commander of airborne forces. The enormity of the possible loss of life for either of the groups these two men commanded had to weigh heavily on their minds. I am thankful to all of these men for their courage and strength to make these decisions. God most surely had His hand guiding them. Very little is ever said about this select group of men and the pressures they were under, but it is because of them that “Operation Overlord” was a success and France was liberated and Germany eventually defeated. Their dedication to freeing the world and making it safe again was their ultimate calling, and they did it with greatness and dignity. To them, we owe our humble thanks. God Bless You All and God Bless America Thank You..
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:15:36 +0000

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