Today is 53st independence of Nigeria let us pray for, A new - TopicsExpress


Today is 53st independence of Nigeria let us pray for, A new Nigeria with God fearing peoples instead of religious extremists, cranks and appologists A new Nigeria were bribery and coruption, unemployment, poor infrastructural development and over-dependence on oil sector will be a thing of the past. A new Nigeria were poor work ethics, citizens hatred, dissatisfaction and diaffection for government and also corporate and large scale irresponsibility will be gone for good. A new Nigeria were inadequate funding for educational, health and other important sector will be remembered no more. A new Nigeria were poor quality, fake and substandard goods and services will never be heard of anymore. Were Nigerians will embrace our own products instead of overdependence on imported products. A new Nigeria were capital, financial and all other institutions will properly regulated. Were our leaders will earn their positions through hardwork and dedication instead of living on hope, chance and luck. A new Nigeria were tribal, ethnic and religious squabbles will come to an end. Were i can enter any state in Nigeria without the fear of boko haram, militants kidnappers, ritualists etc. Were hunger and poverty, homelesness, insecurity, disregard for human and property, armed robbery, pen robbery etc will never come to mind again. A new Nigeria were excellence will be our watchword and mediocrity shut out. Were we will measure power supply by 6,000 hours of non stop supply instead of 6000MW. Above all, A Nigeria with new nigerians, who will not call their president names, who will see each other as one, who will argue inteligently without resorting to insult, who will accept and correct each others view and opinion with meekness, reverence and humility, who will think as worthy, patriotic, loyal and proud citizens of NIGERIA. That Nigeria is here, it starts from you and me. Happy 51st Indepence celebration! Make sure you Say "God Bless Nigeria" atleast three times today starting from now.Today is 51st independence of Nigeria
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 09:19:35 +0000

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