Today is Ada Lovelace Day. Did we know that? This day is tied - TopicsExpress


Today is Ada Lovelace Day. Did we know that? This day is tied with Ada Byron who has been recognized as the ‘first computer programmer’ (though it is subject to debate). Well…It’s not only Ada. We know the names of Hypatia, Madame Curie, Eva Silverstein, Lisa Randall and many others. Also keep in mind, one of the toughest physically challenging job is probably that of an astronauts. Besides so many American women astronauts, we had Indian born Kalpana Chawla, who lost her life prematurely in the tragic Columbia disaster. And off course - in today’s world women have ascended to great heights in science and Tech : Ginni Rometty is CEO and Chairperson of IBM, Meg Whitman is the CEO of Hewlett-Packard , Marissa Mayer is of Yahoo! Safra Catz is joint CEO of Oracle, Padmasree Warrior is chief technology and strategy officer of Cisco, Sheryl Sandberg is Facebook chief operating officer. These women have succeeded in climbing up the corporate ladder by sheer dint of their competence even in ‘not too women friendly’ environments. [I wrote a Bengali piece few years ago on Hypatia, the first woman to make a substantial contribution to the development of mathematics and science. Perhaps, it’s still worth reading to know the women’s contribution in science and technology and celebrate their achievements accordingly (See my first comment for the link). In my upcoming book শূন্য থেকে মহাবিশ্ব Ive planned to cover some significant contributions of another female scientist and a mathematical genius - Emmy Noether. She is known for her famous ‘Noethers theorem’, one of the most profound theorems in Physics, with deep philosophical implications. Its impact of her theory only now beginning to be fully appreciated.] So, Today is the day that marks the achievements of women in the fields of – “STEM” - science, technology, engineering and maths! Cheers!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:30:36 +0000

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