Today is Australia day, and once again I reflect on how far we as - TopicsExpress


Today is Australia day, and once again I reflect on how far we as a nation have regressed. Poverty, unemployment and underemployment continue to rise. Inequality is growing wider than ever between the rich and the poor. We are still engaged in endless conflicts for the corporate elite. At what point do the Australian people say ENOUGH! How far are we willing to slide before we take action? Do the Australian people wait until we are crippled in poverty like Greece is? The monsterous situation of Greece stems directly from the ponzi scheme that the banks and the large multinationals have engaged in. They squandered the nations wealth, and then proceed to claw back the wealth by punishing the ordinary worker who has worked hard to build a future for his family. This is a criminal obscenity! The time has come for the Australian people to fight back as a collective. Don`t allow the Liberal government and the corporate media to go on a witch hunt, which demonises the vulnerable and minority groups. The corporate elite absolutely want to fracture society, so that the workers and the general public are at each others throats. The want to divide and control us. The problem is not Muslims, the problem is not unions, the problem is not pensioners, the unemployed, the young, or the sick. The insidious evil is capitalism itself. I implore you to continue to talk to those who are still in the dark and believe the mainstream media lies. We are told that we cannot afford Medicare, yet this government are quite happy to subsidise Gina Rhinehart more than 1 BILLION a year in taxpayers money! Twiggy Forrest is another leaner, sucking on the teat of the taxpayer. Rupert Murdoch is yet another parasite who is actively trying to destroy Australia. I say ENOUGH! Let the people rise up and take action. No more subservience to lying politicians. The left have allowed their rights and conditions to be systematically eroded since the days of the Hawke government. Appeasing the wealthy doesn`t work and never will. Profit will always come before the people. It is high time that the people of Australia took back their country, before we end up like Greece. We must collectively fight for a decent future! Christian.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:12:19 +0000

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