Today is D-Day in Mississippi as the battle for Americas freedom - TopicsExpress


Today is D-Day in Mississippi as the battle for Americas freedom from big government and its tyranny looms at the political ballot box. Todays Mississippi election is a David vs. Goliath match-up as Tea Party backed Chris McDaniel takes on RINO establishment favorite Thad Cochran. Kevin Fobbs writes This past weekend reflected the dynamic Goliath establishment forces that were at play against McDaniel and his avid conservative supporters from the Conservative Campaign Committee and the Tea Party Express. Cochran brought in a heavyweight RINO in the form of Senator John McCain of Arizona. Senator McCain attempted to pitch Cochran as the second coming of a noble warrior when he spoke at the Mississippi War Memorial Building according to the New York Times. But what the establishment-based senator forgot to mention was Cochran’s slashing attacks upon good Christian Americans from the Tea Party and other conservative groups. He forget to mention that it was in fact Cochran’s outreach to liberals and others who are willing to keep the liberal-minded senator doing their behest in office in order to continue his practices. But, on that same weekend there was a stark contrast being played out in the same Biloxi, Mississippi area by the McDaniel campaign. With that conservative ‘person of and for the people’ rally there was a refreshing breeze of warmness and sincerity that pointed toward a return to principles and values Americans once held close to their heart. Conservative Campaign Committee Chairman Lloyd Marcus reflected about it in his poignant enlightening piece, when he said, “Locals shared story after story with me about the good-ole-boy-network being used to lord over, abuse and bully the people and businesses. Clearly, the local mantra is “Enough with the good-ole-boy-network! It is time for change!” Time for a change was exactly what occurred earlier in the month when House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was shown the exit door by Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Dave Brat, who also was facing probably the Goliath of Goliaths in defeating the dethroned House leader from Virginia. It was clearly the Conservative Campaign Committee / 1 Million People to Defeat Barack Obama and the Tea Party Express that not only helped to make the difference between Brat’s victory and Cantor’s defeat, but showed the nation that people of conservative purpose and abiding in deep faith can overwhelm the powerful and the entrenched. It is a lesson as old as the Bible and is as recent as the lessons of Ronald Reagan who defeated the liberal pundits and mainstream of even the Republican Party when he outlined a vision of an America of hope of conservative values and one based upon biblical foundation. Reagan be the naysayers and awoke the sleeping giant of conservatism. With Reaganomics, he rallied individuals, families and even the business community to a cause that was uniquely American. It worked. That is why McDaniel’s race and winning result is so crucial, because the liberals and the RINO’s who support Cochran do not want the Tea Party to have another David vs. Goliath win. They do not want the message to get out in the homes, the cities, and the farms in the nation’s Heartland that a new rebirth of Reaganomic values is just around the bend, which one warrior patriot, Melanie Tipton believes and stands for. Tipton embraces the belief that there is hope of not just what can be accomplished in the voting booth, but what can also be achieved in every single American home. It is the American Dream and the vision that Ronald Reagan created and helped bring forth, that is amazingly reflected in her a documentary called “Melanies Journey Through Chattanoogaville Documentary.”
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 15:27:38 +0000

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