Today is Friday, I think Oct. 24. Yesterday I attended a friend - TopicsExpress


Today is Friday, I think Oct. 24. Yesterday I attended a friend celebration of life memorial. Her name was Dottie Potter and was from Yucaipa Ca. She has been riding horses for about Forty Years. There is no way to describe this lady, even the word awesome isnt good enough, I dont know any adjectives or any string of adjectives that could come close. Im writing to tell everyone that no matter how long we have been riding or how very well we think we know our horse. We really dont Dottie and a friend was riding from Wildwood Park to home alongside or actually up above Oak Glen Rd. When a very large truck came down the road. It was on a downhill curve so maybe air brakes were applied, I dont know. Dottie and her horse Reno live about two hundred ft. And across the road. Perhaps Reno couldnt see the truck around the curve and with all the noise he wanted to be HOME. Reno turned and sort dove down the embankment and yes he and the truck collided. Reno was killed and flipped over onto Dottie. She had several injuries, but Dottie was doing well enough to be laughing and even had some applesauce with her family. She was on the road to recovery. Now part two of this story, when a loved one is in the hospital, it is extremely important for some one to be there with them twenty four seven. Someone needs to be the advocate of the sick or injured party. The hospital .Decided to put a main line into Dottie so she didnt have all the ivs everywhere. To my knowledge no family member or advocate was present during this procedure. The hospital punctured her lung In the process and now I have been told they were not aware of what they did. When they checked her, her lung was filled with blood and enough pressure was put on Dotties heart that it had stopped. They immediately began CPR and it was twenty min. Before a heartbeat was reestablished, a respirator was also hooked up. After a few days they gave Dottie a MRI or ct of the brain and found brain damage server. Dottie was taken off the respirator. And allowed to breath on her own until she stopped. I have learned several things, Ride as far away from roads or streets as possible! Have a family member or hire an advocate to stay with your loved one, anyone would of picked up on Dotties breathing problem or heart problem and could of notified the staff. During a crisis such as this it is extremely hard for family to stay twenty four seven. The rule of family only is stupid unless there is an extreme large family. I have given instructions that all of my friends are first cousins or sisters and brothers. There was about a thousand people at the memorial, either fellow horse people or her Century 21 family. Any of us would of gladly taken turns sitting with Dottie, thus giving her wonderful family the much needed breaks. The family only rule needs to be discarded, stomped on and gotten rid of, this is not a license to go in and disturb the patience, unless the patience is unconscious, then talk or read out loud, the hearing is the last to go and hearing someones voice that you love can be wonderful The last paragraphs is the most important, I love all of you, please be careful!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 06:01:04 +0000

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