Today is International Aspergers Day. No, really. It is. I am - TopicsExpress


Today is International Aspergers Day. No, really. It is. I am not sure why International Aspergers Day isnt worthy of media attention or of efforts from our major autism organizations in this country (or yours). Could it be they misplaced the memo? Or maybe... 1) They just forgot. Poor short term memory. They knew about it...they were gonna throw an awesome event...but they got sidetracked watching Olympic figure skating. 2) They got overwhelmed . There was so much work planning an event that they didnt know where to start, so they did nothing. Just sat there, the lazy little buggers. 3) They dont really like big , noisy crowds of people, so just the thought of pulling something together that might actually take off freeeeeaked them out, to be honest. 4) True story: they arent really sure what message to share. Theres so much involved in understanding much to know. What if they skip an important detail?? What if they pitch the message in the wrong way?? Oh God. That would be horrible. Better to do nothing than to do something wrong. Phew. 5). They actually didnt know it was International Aspergers Day today. They arent really interested in this kind of stuff so it wasnt really on their radar. Now, you wanna talk unemployment rates or land transfer tax--hoo momma! That is so fascinating they can hardly contain themselves. They write about, talk about, and read about those things to the virtual exclusion of all other topics. So interesting!! Aspergers. Ugh. 6) They don’t want to waste their time. They’re no good at planning anything. Everything they do is no good, and no one likes their ideas, so why even bother trying. No one wants to work with them, either. It’s kind of hard to pitch a dumb idea when you are trying to do it all on your own. Forget it. 7) They are not really sure why Asperger’s matters to anyone anyway? Who the hell wants to raise awareness of a bunch of people who tell the truth, have incredible focus, can feel what you’re feeling (oh yes they can!) and happen to be incredibly gifted in math or science or technology or writing or art or music or all of these?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 03:13:24 +0000

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