Today is Miss Kori Browns 17th birthday!! She has absolutely loved - TopicsExpress


Today is Miss Kori Browns 17th birthday!! She has absolutely loved being 16 and really doesnt like the idea of turning 17. At our house, if you dont like something, we try to expose you as often as we can, just in case you change your mind (and because its fun). As I got to thinking about Kori turning 17, I thought of all the other things she doesnt like that we try to share with her as often as possible. I thought maybe you guys would like to know some of those things to so you can help her out like we do!! 😊 1) ants. I dont know why, but she hates them. 2) storms. Ok, I kinda get this one, but she is freaked out by them! 3) meatloaf. Who ever thought to make a loaf of meat? Its gross Kori Brown 4) poor grammar on social media. I am partially blaming this on LaVeena Gibson. She doesnt care if you have an excuse (your autocorrect hates you, its been 30 years since your last English class, your brain is mush because you have 3 teenagers, or you just dont care), she will correct you!! 5) hashtags on Facebook. I have not personally seen the etiquette book for Facebook. Evidently, there is a rule about not hash tagging. 6) skinny santas. Particularly one I have for decoration. She hates it. We try to sneak him in her bed at least once a season thinking of she just woke up next to him, maybe she would like him more. 7) Michael Jackson. I dont get this one, but if Trevor and I hear him on the radio, we try to turn it up for her. 8) Hawaiian shirts. My dad is great about helping with this dislike of hers. Last year at Christmas every man in our family helped out by sporting a shirt to help her get over this dislike!! 9) men with ladders. If you know my daughter well enough and you get to talk to her, ask her about it sometime!! Thanks in advance for all your help!! If anyone has a cutout of MJ that I can throw a Hawaiian shirt on and stick on a ladder, let me know. I know she is wrong about not wanting to be 17, now if I can just convince her that ants arent so bad (I bet theyd eat my meatloaf!!). Happy birthday Peanut, I love you.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:47:13 +0000

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