Today is National premature baby awareness day. This day really - TopicsExpress


Today is National premature baby awareness day. This day really means a lot to my heart. On September 3, 2009 I gave birth to Mono Mono Amnionic twins. A very rare set of twins. The fears I had wandering if they would survive, be healthy, and thrive. I went on bed rest at the hospital like 4 weeks before the girls were born. They were born at 30 weeks emergency csection. I remember the fears, the tears and the prayers I prayed as I was wheeled to the operating room. I prayed to God that he would give me a sign..that if the twins cried at birth, then I knew that was my sign from Him that they were going to make it. They were screamers. They were born at 2 pounds 16 oz. once on the machines they weighed 2 pounds 6 ounces. The Nicu stay was a long stay, however, the nurses and doctors there were remarkable. Their sweet care, tenderness and dedication really made a difference in the survival of my girls. The girls were in the Nicu for quite a while...they were home around Thanksgiving. They came home at 4 pounds. Tiny little girls. I was given steroids once my high risk doctor met us...and I believe his dedication and education really made a huge difference in the outcome of my pregnancy and the health of the babies. My girls are still tiny, but like 33 pounds and over 5 years old...but...they are amazing, fun, kind, loving, active and beautiful little souls. I praise GOD every day for all of my kids and their love and their health. Take care of your bodies during pregnancy, love your unborn baby enough to make the changes that you need to so that it helps to prevent problems. So many issues can come up from having a baby premature. Very thankful today for healthy girls who are striving even tho so premature. :) love you maci and mia.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:14:34 +0000

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