Today is November 4th, 2013. Its funny, i used to start my journal - TopicsExpress


Today is November 4th, 2013. Its funny, i used to start my journal entries in high school with the date, and sometimes the time... Ive realized facebook statuses have become quite like a public journal - and I feel as though thats why I get readers. The statuses are very genuine, and very honest. I have very little, if anything to hide from anyone, so my entire thought process goes on the internet... is it the wisest thing to do? Possibly not... but like I said - I have nothing much to hide, and if I did, I wouldnt post it. Anyway, Its nice to know that somewhere out there between people from Camp, College, High School, Family, Friends, acquaintances, and people Ive met other places more random like Wisconsin, Ohio, Israel, California or Canada, I get such a diverse group of readers. Well I just want to put it out there that I appreciate having random people invest some time into reading about my daily antics, or struggles despite how menial, or ridiculous they tend to be.... November 4th... Ive been on this no french fry diet for nearly 3 weeks. In fact its day 21 - tomorrow begins the 4th week. I still have 11 days left. Its been rough, but Im closer and closer to the end. I want them soooo badly, its really quite pathetic.. Ive chosen to do the second option (see status in which I gave three options). I will eat Fries on special occasions - to be determined in advance. The conditions in which French fries are allowed are as follows: 1. If its saturday. 2. If theres any form of partying as defined by one of three elements: a. Unusual (special) company. Friends from out of town, guests, etc. b. Celebration of an event - Successful Completion of a goal, birthday, holiday, etc. c. The activities. Ill let you interpret this as you wish, with respect for the laws of New York State. 3. Out of Retail Money, and theres no better option within my dietary constraints as a Jew, and picky eater. This shouldnt happen with my current meal plan. 4. If at home for vacation, three out to eats OR order-ins per week with own money. Bagel boys doesnt count because it is neither my own money, nor do I order fries from there. Moreso this concerns Chicken and Rib Crib, the Diner, and other such places. Fast food should be avoided at all costs - one per month of vacation. less than a month - no excuse. more than a month 1 per month. I think this is good. I also intend, despite my sort of dropping of the ball, to resume working out 2-3 times a week. Its important. Of course never before or after a work-out are fries acceptable. The other rule is that with the resumption of Fries, Potato Chips (unless baked) will be banished. Baked at subway, baked at the dining hall. Almost done. Its very true that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. If Jacob Sandler can completely drop French Fries COLD TURKEY for a month - anything is possible. My beard is growing in rather nicely, and its only the 4th... lol Jew Club is also going swimmingly. Id like to initiate more community out-reach programs as a club. I think its important that the Jewish voice of our campus speaks up, and does good things - like making holiday cards for various kinds of people (elders, sick children, sick elders, soldiers, etc.) This coming weekend is a three-day weekend and though it is monday, one can never start looking forward to something too early... Im incredibly hungry and still have to work the lab for another 2 hours... This is gonna suck... Anyway, Thats all I have to rant about for now.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 18:35:52 +0000

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