Today is Pattis birthday. We kept sending her some of the - TopicsExpress


Today is Pattis birthday. We kept sending her some of the memories we had . One of them, is this letter that she wrote to me at Mothers Day (she was 14 years old). So sweet! I treasure this letter! (see below) HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTI! =========================================================== MY LOVELY MOTHER, MARIA I don’t like writing letters to you because I never know what to say. I think you are a good mom. No. You are actually amazing!!You always know the right thing to say when I am down you will support me through all my decisions. Almost like a best friend. You are my best friend. I know I can tell you anything and you won’t ever criticize me and make me feel stupid. you are always there for me. Always. You give me everything I want. Maybe that’s why I am so spoiled. My friends always tell me how lucky I am to have a mom like you. You don’t amount to anyone’s mom. You can even cook. I like to eat. And when I eat it makes me happy. When I eat your food it makes me even happier. I know you don’t like that I eat because you think I’m going to be fat. But I already am and I like it. I will never be perfect. I also think you smell very good. Strawberries and Champagne is good. When I go to College I will always remember that smell. I will miss you so much when I leave. I know you will miss me too. Me and my butt crack. We are your best friends. I will remember when you always hug me and tuck me in. I will visit you occasionally. But that’s in 2 years. I don’t want to leave now. This morning I remembered when I was trying out for color guard for the first time in 8th grade. I came back from the first day of Clinic and I told you I hated it. I remember you told me to go back the next day. So I went back the next day and the day after that. I still hated it but I didn’t say anything. When I made it thought I would kill myself. I’m glad you made me stay. Now I love it. thanks for knowing what is the best for me all the time. if someone came up to me one day and asked if I would trade you in for $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, I would think .I would think very, very hard because that is a lot of money and I am greedy. But I would tell that person that I can’t trade in my life. I would tell them that you are the most important thing to me. I don’t know what I would do without you. Well, if you were not my mom I would do everything you don’t normally let me do. Especially ride a car with a boy. I would be out until 3:00 a.m. and you would not do anything about it. But rules are good, I guess, even though I am sheltered. At least I can watch Rated R movies. I like to plant flowers with you today. It was really fun. I hope I can do that every year. I do not like when you sing. Especially today right after I woke up. You think you can sing really well. But the truth is you suck. You need to sing an octave lower and wouldn’t not be so annoying. Mom, your English make me laugh so. I think it is funny. HAHAHA I love your blonde moments, mom. They make me laugh really hard. When you tell stories I laugh for days. Especially the most recent one at Friday’s. When you almost ate dad’s dressing. Haha It is 11:15 and it took almost 45 minutes to think up of things to write and now I am really tired. I hope you come upstairs and give me a hug. I almost hope you are not crying right now. You need to smile a lot! :-) :-) :-) I love you a lot. Words cannot describe the love for you Momma! Happy Mother’s Day. Your best daughter in the world : PATTI. =============================================================
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:44:17 +0000

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