Today is Sunday, 1st of June 2014! TODAY ALHAJI MUJAHID ABUBAKR - TopicsExpress


Today is Sunday, 1st of June 2014! TODAY ALHAJI MUJAHID ABUBAKR DOKUBO ASARI TURNS 50 Today is the GOLDEN JUBILEE of my leader, mentor and father. A revolutionay self determinationist, Son of King Amachree, an Ijaw Patriot and Niger Delta Nationalist. An ideological and intellectual masterpiece whom without a formal degree surpasses the intelligience of a thousand professors of the book put together ask Brother Malcolm. The Chief tormentor of the born to rule supremacist. THE NEMESIS OF THE GAMBARI. Feared and hated by reactionary elites of the Niger Delta. Men whom have embraced slavery and the profanity of Esau, men who sells their God given rights for a meal of porridge and for the friendship of the slave master, they are the very willing taskmasters who does the bidding of the of the slave masters as house slaves. A forthright man who fears God deeply, a very spiritual personality whose duty to God and Man is guided by good conscience, a lover of Children and a guardian to his followers who will always speak truth to power in love. A generous giver who gives to needs and not wants, a man not moved by emotions but by sound reasoning, a man who do not try nor seek to impress anyone. A Man of who stands by his deep convictions even if he means standing alone. A fighter who fights for no one but for his beliefs, a man never obligated to anyone but only to his conscience.A man who by the shot of the gun and the mobilisation of men to direct actions drew global attention to the reality of our conditions as a people, the reincarnation of Major Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro, the patriot of the creek and the flag bearer of the Niger Delta emancipation struggle. A MAN SO MISUNDERSTOOD BY THOSE WHO FEEDS ON THE JUNKS AND CRUMBS OF WESTERN PROPANGANDA . A MAN SO CONSISTENT IN THE CONSISTENCY OF ADVANCING THE CAUSE OF THE NIGER DELTA,REJECTING THE INTERVENTIONIST AND DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES OR THE DIFFICULT RECLAIMATION AND SELF DETERMINATION PHILOSOPHY, REFUSING TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT AND COMPROMISED. A TIRELESS COMRADE WHOM THOUGH SO HATED AND INSULTED BY CONSERVATIVE REACTIONARY ELEMENTS, PRETENDING DEMOCRATS, NEO COLONIALIST, EXPANSIONIST, IMPERIALIST AND THEIR HIRED RENEGADES HAS REFUSED TO BE COWED AND INTIMIDATED, BOW NOR BURN TO THE CHARGRIN OF HIS MARAUDERS . HE IS THE LAST MAN STANDING! A VISIONARY FAR AHEAD OF HIS CONTEMPORARIES. The Man that would rather die like Che Ernesto guvera in the fields of War than to live in the comfort of the unjust. THE MAN THAT IS SO POOR AND MODEST YET SO RICH.......................... I end this because it is 12 midnight already. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HERO ALABO EDI ABALI OF KALABARI. DA AMAKIRI THE LEADER OF MEN AND THE PYRAMID. AT 50 YOU ARE OLDER THAN A CENTURY! THE STRUGGLE IS UNSTOPPABLE!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 00:12:00 +0000

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