Today is THE EMBALMENT OF WSR Thirty seven days following the - TopicsExpress


Today is THE EMBALMENT OF WSR Thirty seven days following the Death of WSR (Ausar/Osiris) is the Embalment of WSR. Ever year, the Embalment of WSR takes place on the 24th day of the month of KAIRIKA in the year 414( 2nd of January 2015) . During the night is considered a time of prayer and lamentation. It is the day in which we begin to prepare for the upcoming fast in three days time.Forty days following the Death of WSR, the Kemmioo (people of Kemet) begin a ten day fast. In doing this fast, we are accompanying WSR on his journey to the Imentet, which is the world where humans go when we die, to be judged. Death is not the end. For WSR it was not the end. When you see images of WSR you will see that he is usually shown in the form of a human that is ready to be buried (a mummy). WSR is a God, and so it was the God Inipu (Anubis) who prepared him for his burial. After his burial, WSR made a journey through the underworld and after ten days was re-born. This journey is the journey that we all must take, though it will take us much longer than ten days to return, if we are allowed. The recognition of the death of WSR is an ideal time to reflect upon the Holy Drama. It is a time to look deep within ourselves and try to find a way to understand his death and what part it plays in our lives. It is an opportunity for us to face our own mortality and the mortality of those who are closest to us. We can take this day as a sign of the connectedness of humanity and our connection to WSR himself, because we will eventually experience what he has experienced. We will walk the same path that he has walked. We will face the same challenge that he has faced. The Holy Drama teaches us how to face that challenge and be good, like WSR, the one who is continuously good. People have been recognizing the journey of WSR through the underworld for over 50,000 years. It is no coincidence that many similar celebrations are held in every culture. The fasting of Ramadan is nearly an exact replica of the fasting we see from the Kemetic culture. Many elders and priests fast starting with the Death of WSR and all the way through to his Journey through the Underworld. This fifty day period covers even more time than Ramadan. Though the dates of the fasts are different, they are performed in very similar ways. The history of this God who dies to judge the dead and resurrects to redeem the living is, without a doubt, the most popular history of humanity. It is the story of this God of the second trinity and the holy drama of his life that inspired all the Judeo-Christian doctrines, especially the idea that a God could adopt a human appearance, the idea of death and resurrection, the judgment of the dead, and the concept of purgatory and heaven, etc.The fast that we perform on these days is where other religions and social groups took the idea of fasting. Fasting is now done in observance of many religious holidays, such as Ramadan for Muslims, Lent for Christians and various days for Jewish and Hindu peoples. Lately, fasting has become a popular practice for health reasons as well. It’s important for us to study the origins of colonial society and the common practices we have adopted here. Everything has a history. If we want for ourselves something of higher quality than what we have received from this culture, let’s tirelessly investigate the history of what we are doing and ultimately look to the culture that has led humanity to its greatest heights, the culture that is the inspiration for all other cultures. The closeness of these Holy Days to Christmas is also very interesting.Even modern cultures celebrate during similar times. Thanksgiving is around the same time as the Death of WSR and Christmas and New Years are around the same time as WSR’s Journey through the Underworld. The meaning is very different though. Modern culture has turned these sacred and Holy observances into an excuse for human excess on a massive scale. The modern holidays are inescapable for those of us living in modern cultures, but we still have the opportunity to learn a different meaning for our actions. We can re-direct our energy toward coming closer to the Divine World and toward understanding our place in the existence. We can become better than what we are instead of becoming worse. Trying to become more than what we are is the legacy of every human being. Perhaps it is time for us to return to it. Even Kwanzaa (which also corresponds with this period)was founded as a link for people who know nothing but colonialism to begin to look back to the ancestral cultures and values of humanity on the continent of Merita (Traditional Africa). Now that The Earth Center has reintroduced humanity’s original culture, WE DO NOT NEED A SUBSTITUTE FOR OUR TRADITIONAL HOLY DAYS.Those who have observed Kwanzaa may see it as the stepping stone it was intended to be. Let us step forward and strive for quality on this uphill journey to perfect ourselves. spend the days ahead in lamentation for humanity’s ancestral Neter, WSR, and be inspired to renew our commitment.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:15:38 +0000

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