Today is Tuesday the day we get to our post standing in the GAP - TopicsExpress


Today is Tuesday the day we get to our post standing in the GAP for a much needed problem in all our communities,families,churches,ect,ect. Domestic Violence is real, many families are trapped by the horror & simply does not have the strength to pray the control off of them that their abuser possesses. They have been so beaten down emotionally, mentally & physical. That is were we ( LIFT OUR VOICE LIKE A TRUMPET, CRY ALOUD, SPARE NOT INTERCESSORS ) has to stand in the GAP for these VICTIMS. Intercessory prayer is were one person requestes a favor, direction,mercy, or help another person from GOD. As we come before you this morning LORD we stand in the GAP that the abusers lose all power from over their victims & let the LIGHT pierce through the darkness & break the power that has possesd these abusers We come against in JESUS name every foul spirit that comes out of the darkness to kill,steal,& destroy the lives of these victims & their children & the abusers life. Father we pray this morning were there is fear let there be hope, Were there is sin let there be forgivness, Were there is hatred let there be compassion, Break chains that has our communities, our young people, & anyone whos life is being threatened by the powers of darkness. But LORD your word says, ask & we shall receive, knock & it shall be opened unto us,search & search & we shall know the truth & the truth will set us free. LORD we call the victims & their children out into a safe place, give them your wisdom LORD give them eyes to see ears to hear what the SPRIT OF GOD is saying to them, FATHER I send this prayer out for other intercessors to come into agreement with this prayer. LORD touch this prayer with your mighty anointing let go were you have already designated it to go We ask all these petitions to be granted by the chief intercessor who sits on the right hand of our father forever making intercession for us & his name is ( JESUS )
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:22:13 +0000

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