Today is World Prematurity Day as parents of preemie twins - TopicsExpress


Today is World Prematurity Day as parents of preemie twins unfortunately we know all too well of the ups and downs having a preemie can cause. Our boys where born at 31 weeks, weighing 3lb and 3lb 14, despite being the smaller of the 2 Fraiser was doing extremely well at birth, whilst Harley needed some extra support and a blood transfusion. Unknowing to us within the next few weeks this would dramatically change, Fraiser took a turn for the worst and ended up on life support with in a hour or so of becoming unwell. It all started with a lump in his neck then his stomach totally ballooned, he was immediately put on nil by mouth and started on antibiotics, unfortunately he was not responding and was then diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) and hed also contracted staph. Hes stomach was rotting from the inside and all i could do is sit by his side and wish for the best. He was transferred to Kings in London whilst Harley remained in Medway, every day i would do the round trip to visit both my babies, not knowing how Fraiser would be we had to leave his side every night not knowing what the night would bring for him and being over a hour away to get to him in an emergency wasnt a comforting feeling at all. He gradually started to improve and was transferred back to Medway hospital where he continued to do well for a few weeks, he then took a turn for the worst and was rushed to Kings for emergency surgery, where he had a large portion of bowel removed and got a stoma. During this time Harley was ready to come home., there i was traveling with my precious tiny 4month baby on germ ridded packed trains daily so i could see Fraiser. Luckily he stabilised a week or so after surgery and was transferred back to The Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust, Medway hospital, but he was far too weak and unwell to return home, his liver was also failing due to the concoction of medication he was on daily. We would enter the unit and hear Fraisers high pitched screaming from down the corridor and when we left hed start again, it was heart breaking to hear him in so much pain. 6 Months old we were able to bring our precious little fighter home for 2 weeks for a planned family holiday to the West country. The day after returning from our holiday we were returning to Kings college for Fraiser to have corrective surgery, he also had his hernia operated on which had appeared under his fistula. It was the size of an egg, and on a little baby who was barely 5lb that is massive! It was causing his stoma bags to constantly come off and causing sores all over him, it was worried to lift him and knock it or even leave the house with him due to the major explosions we faced constantly. His surgery went well, but due to being so unwell it was a very slow process of introducing Fraiser to his special milk, with a lot of steps backwards. Amazingly my little fighter was able to return home at the end of October 2010. We will be forever grateful for all of the amazing nurses, doctors and everyone who helped us along the way. It hasnt been an easy journey thats for sure but weve our beautiful little men with us here today and youd never know anything was ever wrong! Fraiser still has many regular trips to the hospital to see consultants and his surgeon but it doing amazingly well for what hes been through!! Www.justgiving/fh2014
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 06:32:47 +0000

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