Today is a day I have been dreading for 2 yrs now. Today, my son - TopicsExpress


Today is a day I have been dreading for 2 yrs now. Today, my son Griffin Hunter Ulfhamr would be 2 yrs old, a toddler. I would have watched you grow and develop into a little boy, no longer a baby, but a boy, developing strong likes and dislikes, favorites, hobbies, attitude, character. It would have been amazing. 2 yrs of snuggles and cuddles and laughs and tears and bonding and complete heart-filled joy. Instead I have ached and cried and been filled with what ifs and whys. I have missed you for 2 yrs. I love you my sweet, strong little prince. I would love to have spent these years getting to know you, but instead I must take some comfort in knowing you are safe with Jesus, never to get sick again, never to develop disease, feel rejection and heartache, sorrow, pain, fear, anger. You are in a place more perfect and happy than I could ever offer you here, and at least that helps soothe the sting of pain and emptiness. You would love your little sister Griffin, she is hilarious. She talks and laughs all the time, she has such personality, you would have been just as in love as we are. Keep her safe and guard her all the days of her life my angel, keep her free from harm and always let her know you are with her, with all of us, we will never forget our first blessing, our first son, our mighty Warrior. We miss and love you more than this lifetime could measure. Happy Birthday son.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:18:14 +0000

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