Today is a day when I have a strong desire to log on to slapabish - TopicsExpress


Today is a day when I have a strong desire to log on to slapabish and make a few downloads! Lol ppl can be so irky sometimes and if I allowed myself, Id definitely be feeling some type of way right now! Lol But as I journey toward a more conscious existence, Im becoming more aware that all experiences are opportunities for me to choose exactly the person I really want to be in relation to a particular experience. Im also increasingly aware that Im not a victim of my thoughts; nor am I person without control of my feelings. No one can MAKE me slap them...and even though some people are itching for a good cuss-out, its totally and completely in my control whether or not to actually give them one! God is good--and He is showing me that my clothes, my hair, my job, my body, and even my mind are all very separate from my true essence...the true nature of my soul. Deep inside I can feel that I am much more than how Ive been behaving. Lets be honest, we all are! And it is up to us whether or not we choose to access that higher part of ourselves instead being sucked into the drama that stands in front of us. So today instead of slapping the bish that was tap-dancing on my last nerve, I sought to access my higher self and decided to see not the irritating hood-rat that was in front of me, but instead a special spirit that has the exact same light emanating from her that I do! Im not gonna act like this was an easy task, and Im not gonna pretend that next time I might not make a different choice. I still have a strong urge to let a person know that Im not the one, two or three and put them allllll the way in check!!! Lmbo! Yet God has brought me a long way from the anxiety, impatience, and victim mentality that had previously motivated many of my decisions. And in this moment Im eternally grateful for Gods grace that allows me to get back up again, even after falling seven times; and for the blessing of choice, one of Gods greatest gifts to mankind. ❤️
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 22:58:03 +0000

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