Today is a day where many of us who are Democrats, who are true - TopicsExpress


Today is a day where many of us who are Democrats, who are true liberals and true leftists, have to hang our heads in shame. Yes, the people have spoken and, yes, the Republicans are now in control of the Senate and the House. Yes, we are now seeing a rise of African-Americans who have embraced the rightist conservative policies of new Republicanism and the Tea Party movement. Now be prepared for this new Senate and the House to attempt to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and other acts that , to attempt to tell the President that he is NOT to run roughshod over this Senate and this House, and that any Democrats or anyone they label as a liberal (Read: Total opposition to any policies the GOP brings up) will be damned as seditionists, traitors, anti-American and Godless fools who will suffer in the Lake of Fire after being judged by the Almighty for their acts of socialist communism. I, for one, am a proud American, and so are many others who do not share the goals and zeal of the GOP. Many of us are God-fearing, righteous individuals who have fought for this nation and defend it, even though we have to call its marker on the actions others have called patriotic but was anything but. The Democratic Party, the Green Party and other left-wing parties need to re-examine their strategy and stop preaching to the converted, and stop being weak-in-the-knees and trying to appease the opposition. This was the mistake made in 1984 when the Democrats preached love and togetherness, and Reagan and Kirkpatrick came out swinging, practically calling the Democrats traitors to this great land, and NOT ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT did anything to respond to this slander. So now...fill the cup and get your cojones together for 2016. Get your wits together and sharpen them for what may be an inevitable fight on the Capitol floor. We are a loyal opposition, not a bunch of turncoats willing to sell out this nation to foreign bastards, because theyre the ones who would love to see more of this in-house fighting so we can collapse, and then they can say You see, your democracy doesnt work. We will come in and show you how to rule by the sword, because your Washingtons and Jeffersons and Lincolns dont mean squat to us! In the end, we need to see the bigger picture and not be parties, but Americans who have differences of opinions, political beliefs and ideologies. We need to find common ground and work as one united nation. But I dont see this happening for the next two years. Very, very sad.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:32:36 +0000

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