Today is a gift, but you need to stay Present to take advantage of - TopicsExpress


Today is a gift, but you need to stay Present to take advantage of it. There is so much for us to enjoy and explore, but we cant drag our yesterdays! Dont drag your PAST, your problems, struggles, fears, disappointments, and hurts into this new day. Before your day has begun, you have dug a hole, you are under water, you are already weighed down before the day has begun, you are letting your YESTERDAY become your TODAY. Your brain is already predicting that your parade will be rained out. Dont let anyone rain on your parade (life lesson) that includes you and your PAST. I can hear some of you now, you dont know what Ive been through, how I was hurt, abused, scared, mistreated, fill in your past here. Your right, but I know what Jesus went through for you, I know that my PAST is exactly that, it is history, it is part of me, but it doesnt define me. It is gone, done, forgiven and TODAY is a new day. A day of new chances and new choices. Today can be the first day of the rest of a new life. Frankly, we are all just one decision, one choice from a new DESTINY, a new REALITY, and it is your choice. If we stay in our past we arent really through anything, we are stuck, like Groundhog Day we keep reliving the same day, only it doesnt stay the same, it continues to spiral down, each day builds on the last, until our PAST is our PRESENT, we lose hope, we cant see a light at the end of the tunnel. Grab Gods hand, He is right next to you, He has been there the whole time. Lean into Him, His promises, He reminds us that He will not only bring us through, that we will come through BETTER than when we went in. That is one of the promises that I cling to! Some of us our PAST has a different affect. We keep bringing our PAST victories into our PRESENT today. Weve stopped looking for new hills to climb, new battles to win, we continue to bask in the glory of old, the good old days. We allowed our victories, these stepping stones to become monuments in our life. What we should have been building on, we have been carrying on. Instead of a medal we wear they have become ball and chains, anchors, that have stopped us from living in the PRESENT of TODAY. You keep shining the trophy, hanging onto the glory days because you are afraid to risk, what if I fail, lose, what about my reputation? What happens is: who you are is defined by who you were! When really what we need to remind myself is WHOSE I am! Your PAST is taking away from Gods gift of another TODAY. Look, 1 decision, 1 change, 1 risk, 1 idea, Its all it takes. You dont need to make 100 changes, just pick 1, and give it 100% of your focus, attention, ask God to partner with you on that CHOICE, on that CHANGE. That 1 choice has the potential to make 100% of a difference in your DESTINY. Pick a fight, charge a hill, go all in, show me some crazy. Quit playing it safe, quit licking your wounds, quit polishing your trophies, put on your play clothes and lets have fun and get dirty. We have until the street lights come on and then we will do it again tomorrow! TODAY is full of God ordained opportunities. He has places for you to get to, but you cant get there locked in your PAST. He has new relationships for you, but they cant work if you see them like all your other PAST hurts. He has new victories for you, but you cant win them if your still shining your old trophies. He is calling you, You are chosen, you have purpose, you are His. TODAY is a gift, open it, enjoy it. God is using you, your experiences, He is cultivating your gifts, and talents daily, right now! Let your PAST be exactly that, TODAY is a PRESENT!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 11:30:33 +0000

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