Today is a good day as we are now many steps closer to solving the - TopicsExpress


Today is a good day as we are now many steps closer to solving the issues with my son Nick and the problems with his gastrointestinal track. After almost 3 years of jumping from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital and clinic to clinic., the Lord has answered our prayers and placed us in the hands of someone who gives a damn and is determined to make my son well again. I want to thank Dr. Bannout for his concern and excellence in his field for starting us on the path to finally get the help we need. Although we did not like the original doctor he sent us to in Savannah, we would not be where we are if we had not taken the steps needed to get us to where we are now. He will always be our primary care doctor because there is no one else I would trust to fill that position with our family. After months of going back and forth to the original gastro doctor,in Savanah and putting up with his horrible bedside manner , I made a decision to call my best friend and beg her to recommend someone to me who practices at Memorial Medical Center where she works and that led us to Doctor Nyce, whom we saw today. I am just thrilled and amazed at what he found on our very first visit. I am so impressed I could talk about it all night. lol Through testing and examination, Dr. Nyce immediately was able to tell us that Nicks colon has gotten so weak and damaged near his Anus for lack of a better word and the two organs are no longer working together to provide him the ability to go to the bathroom on his own, thus causing excruciating pain and discomfort to the point that the Emergency Room is constantly getting rich off of us in the process. We are now being referred to a doctor in Augusta at GA Regents hospital that specializes in this exact ailment and his success rate is almost 100%. There are only two doctors that he is aware of that can provide these services and his record speaks for itself. The treatment he is about to undergo will involve procedures that teach the colon and the other organs involved how to communicate and work together again so that he can be well and live a normal, pain-free life. We dont yet know if surgery will be required down the road, but we are finally on the right path and I am so very thrilled. I want to thank my best buddy Janet from the bottom of my heart for referring me to someone who has finally really helped us since this all began. I love you girlee. Hope you all have a blessed night. I know I will as I can finally close my eyes and go to sleep knowing that everything is looking brighter for my boys. 8 more days until my son Geoffs life-saving kidney transplant and this is one excited momma for both of my boys. To God be the Glory.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:58:16 +0000

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