Today is a historic graduation for KAG EAST University. We will be - TopicsExpress


Today is a historic graduation for KAG EAST University. We will be celebrating our 35th graduation at our new Kitengela Campus for the first time. We will have the largest graduation ever with over 200 graduates. We will see the 2000th person graduate since EAST began. Below is my speech for the event: We are gathered on this ground today as witnesses to the fulfillment of a vision. I believe all spiritual vision comes from God. It does not originate with man. But as God births a vision in human hearts, and as transformed and equipped servants step out in obedience to that vision, God brings miraculous assistance to accomplish that vision. On this historic day, you, the class of 2014, are the first to graduate on this new campus, the realization of God’s vision in this place. KAG EAST University Graduates, Chancellor, members of the Board of Trustees, members of the University Council, members of the Academic Senate, members of the Management Committee, all members of the University, family and friends of the graduates, and distinguished guest I greet you this morning. Our theme this year is Transformed and Equipped for Diligent Service. Over the months and years you graduates have studied at KAG EAST University I believe that you have been both transformed and equipped. I find it interesting that the Gospel of John records the same two words of Jesus in the first chapter as the last: “Follow me.” We expect Jesus to speak “follow me” to the disciples early in their ministry. But after three years of walking with Jesus he still says to Peter, “follow me”. Now that you have been transformed and equipped, don’t forget to follow Jesus. This will affect your diligent service. I think of God’s vision to save the world through the flood. It was his vision. He planted it in the heart of Noah. He asked Noah to do the impossible – to build the mighty ark that would house two of every animal and save humanity. Noah must have thought the idea very large. But he accepted the challenge and the Bible repeats often, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him”. The ark was built after many long years. Noah and his family were saved from the flood. And life began again on the earth between a loving God in relationship with an obedient and diligent servant. KAG EAST University has a rich history. On this 35th Graduation Ceremony you graduates are part in a long line of diligent servants who have graduated before you. But why did God bring you to EAST? Why does EAST exist? Because God had a vision and he planted it in the hearts of men and women long ago. EAST is a Pentecostal training center shaping servant leaders for strategic global impact through Spirit-empowered ministry. Today we not only celebrate the first graduation on the new campus, but the largest graduation in our history with over 200 graduates and today we celebrate over 2000 cumulative graduates since our first graduation. As you graduate may you be apostolic in this sense of the word: be part of reaching the Unreached People Groups of the world. Why would God place us in Kenya with a strong Christian population with strong national churches in this Bible school? KAG EAST University has more students preparing for ministry than all the Bible schools across North Africa and the Middle East combined. I believe God has transformed and equipped you here for such a time as this. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations – panta ta ethne – all people groups. May God use the graduates of 2014 to affect destiny and reach the people groups yet unreached. Many of you will be pastors – be missions minded pastors. Others of you will be missionaries. Whatever ministry God places you in, serve God’s purpose and fulfill his vision. As I conclude my remarks allow me to pay special tribute to our Chancellor, Rev. Dr. Peter Njiri. God entrusted his vision for the new campus to Dr. Njiri. Like the vision given Noah it was a mighty and large vision. Other men may have said it is impossible, there is not enough money, and people will laugh. But Dr. Njiri accepted the vision as from God and I believe the record will read one day, “he did everything as the Lord commanded him”. My prayer is that this vision, like Noah’s, will be used by God to save many. May God develop loving relationships with those who have never heard because of you graduates, transformed and equipped for diligent service.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 01:17:54 +0000

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