Today is a sad day in the history of mankind when a man can murder - TopicsExpress


Today is a sad day in the history of mankind when a man can murder a child and walk away without any consequences; it is a slap in the face of justice, and a thorn in the side of humanity. It is as if Mr. Trayvon Martin had no worth. Here again the judicial system has fail to protect the rights of all people. Racism is alive and well in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Mr. Trayvon Martin life was taken from him before he had a chance to live, it is everybody’s right to walk any place they choose to, this young MAN will not graduate from high school go to college, or get married and have a family of his own, because of a sick twisted individual who look at the color of a young MAN skin and thought that he was a nobody. George Zimmerman’s are in every town, city and state in the world and if your skin is not like his you are a target it does not matter you are young, old, male or female you are a target. We cannot, we will not let Mr. Trayvon Martin life become null-in void, his death will not be in vain. We must educate our children; teach them to respect themselves and other, let them know where they come from, the richness of their history, that our Fore Father made this country what it is, everything in this country the BLACK MAN build or had his hands in it. Yes we are a powerful people when we unite. Please fathers and mothers lest teach our young men to pull their pants up, young women to cover up. Tell them they are so much more than a body, they should demand respect. They are worthy of all the good this world has to offer. WE ARE SOMEBODY.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 18:13:05 +0000

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