Today is a special day to me. On Dec 10, 2004 on Oak Tree Road on - TopicsExpress


Today is a special day to me. On Dec 10, 2004 on Oak Tree Road on a rainy night in Edison NJ I crashed my car so recklessly and almost ended my life in an instant. I was on a fast track to nowhere and my inertia stopped short in a head on collision into a Ford Bronco. Most would say it was the most horrible moment of their lives, but ironically it was the most important split second in all of my years. I spent 6 months learning how to walk again. I went through several surgeries for a fractured pelvis, broken femur, 2 broken knees, 2 broken ankles, 2 broken ribs, a collapsed lung, lacerated liver and ruptured spleen. As a mother I cannot imagine the terror my parents felt with that phone call. My admiration for the strength of my family and friends is unimaginable. For the 6 months my friends became family, and most importantly my family became my best friends. Each of you drove to my new home at Robert Wood Johnson daily to help me through this time of my life. Many of you slept in a chair next to me. I will never forget my mother itching my feet that I couldnt move for months due to nerve damage, or fighting for my wheelchair on Christmas day which was the best gift in the world. I will forever remember my sister sleeping next to me on the night when my pain was at its worst, I cried the entire night and she never left my side. And I certainly cannot forget the strongest person in the world, my father. Even when the physical therapist let up on me trying to bend my legs, he sat on the floor and said Get the hell out of here took the PTs spot and got my knees to bend, or when the Dr was about to pound a chest tube between my ribs and I cried and looked in his eyes and he never broke face and said Dont worry, everybody gets chest tubes to ease my fear while I was barely coherent. And my best friends, that visited and brought me pajamas or food or movies. Thanks to this time in my life I headed down a new path and met my husband 5 months after discharge from the hospital. I dont know where I would be if that accident never happened but I am grateful every day that it did. God works in very mysterious ways. Each day is a blessing. Thank you so much for what you all did for me, I think about how important you all are more often than you know
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:47:32 +0000

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