Today is a very sad day. Weve just found out man who shown us - TopicsExpress


Today is a very sad day. Weve just found out man who shown us great generosity and kindness has died. Youll be greatly missed Helmas. One night on tour in Rothenburg, Germany we had barely any money to buy food and were faced with another freezing night in a tent (and it was FREEZING). We were told by a friend that we would get a good meal in a restaurant just down the road and hed keep the place open for us. We arrived and were greeted by a lovely man called Helmas and were served an amazing meal whilst he sat with us and told us stories of his travels when he was younger, how he had visited the UK and still keeps in touch with a friend he had made there. He asked us about the band and where we were staying. We told him wed be camping to save money as we were on tour and had just played a show in Cafe Wunderbar in the town. At the end of the meal he refused to take our money for the food and told us a story of how when in England he was sleeping rough one night at the side of the road a farmer took him in, gave him food and looked after him. As we were about to leave he told us we were welcome to stay at his house and we were to treat it as we would our own homes. Since that night when the farmer took him in, he said that he realised he should always look after people and help them when they were in need. What a great man. x
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 17:07:05 +0000

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