Today is a very special day for me. Six years ago today, I - TopicsExpress


Today is a very special day for me. Six years ago today, I started a journey, a life long journey in fact, that at the time I had no idea what would come of it. I started with all the wrong reason and all the wrong intent thinking that pleasing someone else by changing my actions would be the greatest gift. What i discovered just shy of a year in to it, was that this was for me! This was a gift that i was giving myself, a journey that had some scary, yet endless possibilities. Coming to a conclusion that I had an issue within myself and my actions was probably the hardest thing one can go thru. But I can promise the realization is beyond worth the effort and time spent. I have learned to survive without a crutch, I have learned to perform without help, I have learned to live brighter, happier and most of all, healthier. I have a great support system within my family, friends and fans out there and i couldnt ask for more from any of you. I thank you for the support and love throughout the years. It has become my pride and joy to be someone that can be looked up to for certain actions and be corrected on those actions that may not be the best. I have had many friends who have gone through or are going through similar aspects in life. I can say this...keep your head up high, focus on the NEW goals that are set in front of you and head for them with passion, drive and a sense of new life! You can achieve what your mind allows you to believe. BELIEVE in yourself and what you CAN accomplish. My promise to you is this...I am here for you as you have been for me. Stay strong and always remember YOU can always create a better future! With all that said, I can proudly say that I am SIX YEARS SOBER! I proud day for me! Some may not see the power in what this day is for me. Thats ok. I cant expect someone to feel the excitement this brings! But know that my smile today is for me, because of me. Because of the choices I made to better myself! The joy that it has brought to my life is at times indescribable! I truly enjoy that and am looking forward to another 6 years plus! To better ones self is to recognize our own mistakes. For those who choose support and to those who choose to disregard, I thank you for being a part of MY journey! Good and/or bad, you have given me the strength to become stronger, a fighter and most of all, a better person! LEARN from Yesterday, LIVE for today and HOPE for tomorrow!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:52:04 +0000

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