Today is an amazing day! After 20 years of searching I FINALLY - TopicsExpress


Today is an amazing day! After 20 years of searching I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER! Those who really know me know what I have been thru in the past with my health. I had a life threatening left leg DVT(from my hip to my ankle) when I was 23 years old and spent 10 days in the hospital on a Heparin drip. Shortly after I became pregnant with my son Justin Conner and had a Vena Cava Filter implanted when I was 18 weeks pregnant ( this was to prevent any clots from going to my lungs and causing us both major problems). In 2006 I had another DVT this time not as bad as the first but still not good. All these years I have went to doctor after doctor, had thousands and thousands of dollars in tests. Been on medication after medication, all for what I initially asked them all: Could I have a blockage in my pelvis? That idea was shot down numerous times with Its highly unlikely or I dont think so. Each time I would tell my doctors my theory , I believe there is a blockage in my pelvis they would look at me like I was crazy. Its quite ironic they never ordered the one test that could have saved me soo much misery!! Just one little test after all the others I had done! So today I got the OFFICIAL diagnosis! I do indeed have a blockage in my pelvis and it has a name!! May Thurner Syndrome! This is where the right Iliac Artery crosses over the Left Iliac vein and compresses it causing decreased blood flow to the left leg. It is not hereditary.Treatment is stent placement and/or blood thinners. Now I have turned to the holistic therapy therefore I will not take the blood thinners. I will search for an alternative holistic, more natural way to thin my blood ( you can call me crazy but I have been there and done that for years and just cant take them anymore). I am sure I have an oil for that :). Any way, my vascular Dr.( who is awesome by the way) wants to do a stent, but not sure if it will be able to open it up as it is an OLD OCCLUSION his words. I am willing to give it a try! If only I could of found this out years ago, oh the difference it would have made in my life!! I dont know the date of the procedure but if everyone could please say a lil prayer for me, that this will work, I would greatly appreciate it. I have suffered with chronic pain, swelling, limited to what I can do due to my legs feeling like they weigh a ton. I am going to investigate this condition more and hopefully I can help someone else who may be going thru the same thing. It is rare and difficult to diagnose. Women more than men develop it and it can cause numbness, tingling, burning down your leg due to compression of the nerve at L5. It is usually diagnosed in the 2nd and 4th decades of life. Thanks for letting me share my excitement with you all! Tawney Lowry
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:08:21 +0000

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