Today is considered a red letter day..I had taken part of one of - TopicsExpress


Today is considered a red letter day..I had taken part of one of my most favorite past times, taking care of our Grandson. However, at a about 3 the mail was delivered. In the mail was a letter addressed to me, from Omaha Violation Bureau, stating that I have been a bad boy and parked my orange Neon at a, out of time, out of money parking meter. There are certain problems with this. I dont have orange Neon, or drive or fly or push or even know what a Neon is. I have a big black Chevy Tahoe. I would consider the difference in size, the difference in color, maybe even the difference in license plate, but does Omaha? NOOOOOO, not our public servants. Apparently a blind person works at this here bureau, and this blind person decided that I was a bad boy and should be punished monetarily. Now I have to go in with all of my information and fight city hall. Actually it is going to be fun. I am going to ask them for 150 dollars to correct their mistake. I took pictures or the big black tahoe, to show them the difference in size, color, and even the license plate. Then I am going to show them their picture and color and even the license plate of the offending Neon. I would take this as a joke if it were not for the fact that their letter was threatening and acted like I was a criminal. The end
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:45:11 +0000

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