Today is my birthday. I’m dedicating the day to celebrating - TopicsExpress


Today is my birthday. I’m dedicating the day to celebrating myself, something we’re not really taught to do all that much. I’m celebrating me. Not my accolades or accomplishments or publications or anything remotely tangible. I am celebrating my life. I’m alive, and so are you (if you are reading these words). Sometimes I forget to celebrate this awe-inspiring fact. So here I am, cake in hand, another year around the sun. Cheers to that. I want to thank YOU, my beloved tribe. I have published a post each week this year, and it has not always been an easy year. I’ve taken leaps of faith and risks, and still, you’re here, reading. So, thank you. I love this tribe. I like to think of us as dream builders. You read my dreams weekly, so now I want to know yours. That’s what a tribe does. We lift each other up. We support, even from afar. We wildly nod our heads yes yes yes when life swings in the direction of The Land of Dreams Coming True. We shake our fists at the sky when things falls apart, and then put our heads together to find ways to start over. It’s nice to have a community. On my birthday, I want to acknowledge you all for that community. It has been a rough year in some ways—going off my antidepressants, having an ectopic pregnancy, among others. None of these things I shied away from in my writing and neither did you. Thank you for making my birthday spectacular. Thank you for being a tribe of dream builders. Thank you for making Positively Positive a beautiful forum. With so much snark out there on the internet, it’s a breath of fresh air to come to this site and find you all. I know that dreams don’t always come true. Look, if you read me, you know I am a realist, that I don’t blow smoke up the proverbial ass. But a lot of dreams come true. And with hard work and support (i.e. a tribe), almost anything is possible. Says the girl who was stuck at the same restaurant for almost fourteen years and was almost hospitalized for depression. Says me. On my birthday, I want to know your dreams. That will be my gift. You sharing that. Post your dream(s) below in the comment section. You know what else I want for my birthday? You to celebrate yourself. Without any guilt or shame. Unabashedly. I would love to hear on my Facebook page what you are doing to celebrate you. You want to know why? When we celebrate ourselves, we give each other permission to do so. There becomes less of a stigma with really loving yourself and cherishing yourself. It’s not arrogant. It’s your birthright. ~ ~~I wrote this on my bday for Positively Positive on dec 12. Post your dreams below :) Jennifer Pastiloff
Posted on: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:24:15 +0000

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