Today is my third day of being home sick from work, recuperating - TopicsExpress


Today is my third day of being home sick from work, recuperating from severe bronchitis. And although I am glad I went to the doctor, catching this bronchitis just before it became full blown pneumonia, I have to confess that being sick is not for me. I dont like being sick and I sure dont have the patience for it. You see, I fight the battle of two halves. Half of me just wants to take my meds and sleep, hoping that a combination of those two will help me recuperate. But the other half of me thinks about all the things that need to be taken care of (laundry, chores, errands, shoveling) will only be worse if I let them pile up (thats snow pun intended by the way)! Who wins? Well, I try to combine the two...taking care of the things that I physically can, and leaving the rest until I feel better. Reminds me of the struggles we face, living in this world. We want to be better people and better Christians. We go to church, we pray, we get involved in small group ministries and in the community, yet we curse out people in traffic, act rudely in person and over the phone, and generally display behavior that is anything but Christian towards others. Its the battle of two halves. Which half is winning in your world? A while back, I saw a Facebook status that quoted a Native American elder speaking to a youth about two wolves, the good wolf and the bad wolf. The youth asked the elder who won, the good wolf or the bad wolf? The elder replied, The one you feed the most. Its true for us, too. Want to be a better person and Christian? Feed that part of you. Dive deep into Gods word, the Bible. Make sure that you are feeding your Christian half, and not your worldly half. If this was the game of football, my friends, well, this is half time. Which half are you going to feed? Time is running short, and the game of life is almost over. Make sure youre playing the game the right way, living for God and not for this world or for man. Remember, the half that wins is the half that you feed the most. Will it be your worldly half or your spiritual half? Amen. ~John Lloyd~
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:49:22 +0000

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