Today is national.... towel day A tribute to Douglas Adams, - TopicsExpress


Today is national.... towel day A tribute to Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, Towel Daysees fans of the author and the book carrying towels with them to work, to school and as part of their daily activities. The most important thing that you need to remember in order to celebrate is DON’T PANIC; no matter what the day throws at you, draw comfort from the knowledge that you’re armed with your trusty towel. Whether you’re a fan of high-tech, circuitry-enhanced towels with more features, bells and whistles than a supercomputer, or if your towel of preference is a simple, old-fashioned fabric hug, all that matters is that your towel never leaves your side. The wonderful folks over at have seen fit to celebrate towel day by producing a handy, helpful guide to some of the key ways in which you might consider using it. In truth, we think that this really only scratches the surface, and that if you really want to celebrate properly you’ll come up with a whole range of unique use-cases which others can learn from and put to good use. ----- tap dance day Whether you are an aspiring Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, or Ginger Rogers, or whether you simply enjoy celebrating dance, Tap Dance Day makes a great annual celebration. Tap Dance Day officially began in 1989 and celebrates the heritage and origins of the dance genre, along with the notable tap dancing greats, including Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, the Mark Brothers, and more. Some cities have celebratory tap dancing shows and displays to mark the occasion, so, if you want to join in the celebrations, go along and join in the fun. Alternatively, take a beginner tap dancing class, and get your toes tapping. You can approach your local dance studio and encourage them to put on a performance, perhaps recreating a scene from an iconic movie or show. You can even combine the celebration of Tap Dance Day with healthy living and family bonding, getting everyone involved. Make costumes, practice your routine, and amaze and thrill onlookers with your skills.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 11:55:42 +0000

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