Today is not only a day of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, - TopicsExpress


Today is not only a day of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, but many of us grieve of our loved ones who have passed. Since we all have had our share this year this day brings those feelings back again because the loss is so recent, so I wanted to share something that I found to try to comfort you on this day and every day, these are not my words, but just my way of sharing and trying to bring comfort to my family and friends, although I am making this status public for all who may need this. Merry Christmas and God Bless all of you. I know they were the love of your life…and still are. Please know that your loved one is with you as you grieve. When they are not right there beside you, they still feel your pain because you are linked by heart strings, actual etheric strings, cords of light that cannot be seen with the human eye. They can choose to be with you in a nanosecond if they think you need them there. You may unexpectedly find yourself needing to yawn in the middle of a big cry…Know it is your loved one sending you energy of love and comforting thoughts, trying to ease your pain. You may hear a song on the radio that has a totally different meaning than it once did, or you may awake in the morning with a song or words going through your head. Pay attention. You may even find something in a different place around the house or have lights, or electronic devices, go off and on, without anyone touching the switch. When you are ready, watch for these signs…because they are trying to let you know that they are not what you may think they are…gone. This so-called ending is a new beginning for them and we may not always understand at the time why they had to leave this dimension. When we incarnate in a physical body here on Earth, we deliberately and consciously shut ourselves off from everything we know as a soul in heaven. Only an aspect of us manifests here, knowing the potential difficulties and challenges that lie ahead, but also the potentials joys. This life is truly a game and knowing all would prevent us from having the necessary experiences to grow spiritually. The one who crosses over will rejoice with this transition humans call death, together with the ones who left before. It is a homecoming. Eventually we must find it in our hearts to rejoice as well. They have graduated to a new level of understanding and are at peace, with more love than we can possibly imagine, being in the physical. They are home. This is why Jesus tells us to cry at birth and to rejoice at death. Now, that sentence makes sense. Though the whys of losing a loved one are not always apparent, please know there is a reason and you may find out. No more are we limited to not knowing, evolving as human beings. Your loved one exists on another level that most of us cannot see with our physical eyes. But if you are open to believing, your senses will guide you to the truth of their presence. They may follow you around trying to communicate through signs, songs, coins, and intuitive messages to let you know they are still with you. They will not frighten you. Besides, you have your own guides protecting you always. They see that the world you are in is not real…but they remember how real it was. They understand the pain and drama this earthly experience provides and they now see the much larger picture. They may hang around to try to let you know how sorry they are…or they will be next to you, when you need to tell them how sorry you feel—if those words had been left unspoken. There can be closure after all, in spite of this so-called separation. Talk to them, because they are there listening. They will help you adjust to their being gone…till it is time for them to move on…and then time for you to move on. And you can. If you are the one still here, know that as a soul, there is more you planned to experience here on Earth in the physical. Get busy and find out what that is…allow yourself time to grieve, then discover what it is you have left to do…and find it in your heart to do it.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 20:57:06 +0000

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