Today is such a lovely Shabbath! I desire that you are all RESTING - TopicsExpress


Today is such a lovely Shabbath! I desire that you are all RESTING from your hussling, & buffled weekday. I want to share this with you all, my LOVELY friends, & those NOT too lovely. :O So, I am studying the Scriptures & I was reading Yochanan, (John) 11, when I ran into verses 39, 41 & 44. It hit me! BOOM! Let me break it down to yall! Yochanan 11:39 Yehwehshuo HaMashiach said, Take away the STONE. He was talking to Martha in reference to having that BIG STONE taken away from where Eleazar, (Lazarus, as many erroneously know him as) was laying DEAD. ARE YOU WITH ME? GOOOOD! ;-) Verse 41: So they took away the STONE where the DEAD man laid. Verse 44: And he who DIED came out BOUND FEET & HANDS with WRAPPINGS, & his FACE was WRAPPED with a cloth. Yehwehshuo HaMashiach said to them, LOOSEN HIM, AMD LET HIM GO. Woah. :O Okay, so let me break it down, FEET = ROOT CHAKRA, HANDS = They can open and shut at will or when the body needs to give or receive energy. The hands are descriptive for riches through LABOR. Lastly FACE = PINEAL GLAND, & THROAT CHAKRA. Now, the STONE is the representation of the OBSTACLES of ALL these mentioned Chakras. When these Chakras are BLOCKED, then, man becomes DEAD, Spiritually, all the way down to PHYSICALLY DYING. This is because we obstruct these areas, amongst other areas connected to our energy fields, (Chakras), causing PSYCHOLOGICAL ILLNESS , (WRAPPINGS), hence, transferring the illnesses to the PHYSICAL BODY, hence, causing DIS-EASE. Yaaaaahoooo! Thank you, Creator, for that Ruach HaKodesh, (Set-Apart Spirit) that provides me with WISDOM, (Chuchmach), KNOWLEDGE, (Daat) & UNDERSTANDING, (Binah). Well, I pray that you liked my little explanation that I just had to share with yall. It is NOT religion, folks. These are INSTRUCTIONS TOWARDS LIVING A MUCH BETTER LIFE, (Chayim). Shalom!!!! . ;-) )~;@
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:47:27 +0000

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