Today is such a special day in our house...the day of such an - TopicsExpress


Today is such a special day in our house...the day of such an anticipated event and not knowing what God has in store. We go along planning every minute of our lives thinking we are in charge, but we arent. 9 years ago today, we were anxiously waiting for our 7th child to be born. We would enjoy our short stay in the hospital, then take our bundle of joy home to meet family and friends over the first few weeks of his life. Those we OUR plans, not Gods plans. Once James Henry Strickland made his debut into this world he insisted on being unique😃. Fighting for his life for weeks in the NICU of two different hospitals teaching a mother the most valuable lesson in to pray from the depths of her very soul. I have never known prayer like that until I was begging God to let me enjoy this little life just a while longer. Its been a wild ride, to say the least, but I am a better person because of this stinker (still lots of room to grow, though!) Our lives have been touched through him in so many ways...meeting others with special needs, AGS soccer, waiting in doctors lobbies for visits and therapy, pumping milk in the lactation room of Childrens Hospital with other desparate moms of sickly babies and the list goes on. All of the tears and anxiety and despair and now, joy, has been so worth it just to have had the opportunity to meet others that we would probably have never met. (Kelly Riley Shaw, Elisa Miller Pesto, Melissa Brennan Jackson, Heather Donly Lancaster,Kim Leachman Sanderson, Dena and the gang at Storybook Farm and especially Grayson Brunson Hill- the first parent we ever met at Childrens and such an inspiration to get through everything.) HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY, HENRY! I cant wait to see what life has in store for you😃
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 14:10:58 +0000

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