Today is the 19th day of October, 2013. My Wife & I (Prodigal - TopicsExpress


Today is the 19th day of October, 2013. My Wife & I (Prodigal Ministries) are expected at Jomo-Kenyatta Airport in Kenya in the first few days of November, 2013, to carry on a Crusade/ Revival Mission to an Orphanage in Kissi, and two Churches in Dandora & Nairobi, that was postponed from a January 2013 date, due to lack of funds. Our Satellite Ministry (Prodigal Ministries Kenya Mission) has lost the interest of two other churches, Mombasa & Kiambu, and a Church Orphanage in Eastern Uganda. Because We havent been able to get there, they felt slighted, and have sought the Word from Questionable Ministries in Nigeria, which are not teaching the Bible, as it is Written. As I have said, this Ministry consists of 2 people following a Calling on a Fixed Income Budget. Our Resources come from GOD and HIS Faithful here on Earth. As of this post, we have the Invitation, our Passports, and a Criteria Schedule set. What We Lack is the Airfare of $2,500.00. Since February 2013, We have only received $60.00 in donations, which is a sad Testimony for GODs People and the Carry Out of the Great Commission, to Go Into All the World and Teach the Gospel of JESUS, AS IT IS WRITTEN, to All Nations, Making Disciples. There are 11 days left to secure the Airfare, which is the best rates we have found, and , If Necessary, We are prepared to sell our 2005 vehicle, the only transportation we have, to get as much as we can. Would Anyone be willing to Forego a Take-out Meal just once to help offset this cost? A sit-down meal costs $10.00. If just 250 People could see their way clear to gift that $10.00 for the Spreading of the Gospel to the People of Kenya, a People in NEED of Spiritual Strengthening for the KINGDOMs Sake,, the Entire Body of CHRIST would Receive & Feel the Blessings!! Wont You Help? Make Your Best Gift Donations at the Link Below.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:27:13 +0000

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