Today is the 9th of Av on the Jewish calendar. This has been a - TopicsExpress


Today is the 9th of Av on the Jewish calendar. This has been a day of many tragic apparent judgments for Israel and the Jews around the world. Here is a brief history: History of Tisha B’ Av 1. This date in history commemorates the destruction of both the first and second temples in Jerusalem. The first temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC on the 9th of Av. Over 100.000 people were slaughtered and millions exiled. The first break in the wall of the city happened during the period called the “dire straits”, as explained above. 2. The destruction of the second temple by the Romans occurred on the exact same day some 600 years later in 70 AD. Over 200,000 Jews were slaughtered and a million were exiled. This fulfilled Yeshua’s pronounced judgment against the temple of His day. 3. It is said that it was during this three week period of time while Moses was on Mt. Sinai with God that the Hebrews under Aarons leadership fashioned the golden calf to worship. The Rabbi’s say that it was on the 9th of Av that Moses came down from the mountain and broke the stone tables in his anger over what the people had done. 4. It is also traditionally said that during this three week period the Hebrew spies of the wilderness wandering came back from Canaan with a bad report which was contrary to what the Lord had spoken. Therefore, on the 9th of Av the Lord make a decree against the unbelieving Hebrews that they would not enter the Land of Milk and Honey in their life time. The people upon hearing the decree cried all night. It is said that because they cried about nothing, the Lord said to them, “Because you cry about nothing…from now on I’ll give you something to cry about,” Had their tears been about their repentant hearts, the outcome would have been much different. They cried tears of remorse and regret, but not tears of repentance, therefore, they cried about nothing. 5. In 135 AD was the Bar Kochba revolt. The Jews following a false Messiah were massacred and Jerusalem captured on the 9th of Av. One year later the Temple mount and the city of Jerusalem was then plowed under by the Romans. 6. On the 9th of Av in the year 1096 the First Crusade began; killing 10,000 Jews in the first month alone. The crusaders destroyed Jewish communities in France and Germany killing a total of 1.2 million Jews. Moving forward it was on the 9th of Av that the persecution of the Jews by the Christian Monarchies of England France and Spain reached its climax by the expelling of the Jews from each nation. 7. On the 9th of Av in 1290 the Jews were expelled from England 8. Then in 1306 the Jews were expelled from France on the 9th of Av. 9. Likewise less than 200 years later on the 9th of Av in 1492 on this same said date the Jews were expelled from Spain. Keeping in mind the mercy triumphs over judgment, it was this same year that Columbus a Jew, sailed from Spain, discovering America. America soon became a place of refuge for the Jew. 10. Historians concluded that World War II and the Holocaust, was actually the long drawn-out conclusion of World War I that began in 1914. Amazingly enough, Germany declared war on Russia, which initiated the First World War and of course it was on the 9th of Av, Tisha BAv. In addition, on the 9th of AV100,000 Jews were killed in eastern Russia in 1914 on that same day. I. 11. Fast forward now from 1914 to 1941 it was on the 9th of Av when the Nazi Party approved what was called, “The Final Solution” which resulted in the capture and killing of almost 50% of the known Jews on the face of the earth at that time. 12. One year later on the 9th of Av began the mass deportation of the Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto en route to Treblinka. 13. In 1990 Tisha B’ Av was on July 31st. Just two days later the Gulf War began. 14. On July 17th 1994 “The only observed collision between a planet and another solar body began on Tisha B’Av, a Sabbath. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 began slamming into the surface of the planet Jupiter, known in Hebrew as Zedek, the righteous one. This event may have connections to the other Tisha B’Av events. On July 17 (Tisha B’Av) 1994, the planet Jupiter was struck by 21 fragments of a comet. The comet (Shoemaker-Levy 9) collided with this planet… likely fulfilling Luke 21: 26, where Yeshua says that, before his return the ‘heavenly bodies would be shaken.’ Is all this coincidence? I don’t think so. Jupiter was the high-god of Rome, it was the one whose temple replaced HaShem’s house in Jerusalem and whose name (Capitolina) adorned the city for centuries. Jupiter (also known as Marduk to Babylonians) was the high god of Zoroastrianism, the religion of Nebuchadnezzar (who had the first Temple burned in 586b c). See the connection? HaShem had symbolic revenge on Rome-and-Babylon through Jupiter (high god of both empires), when the planet was pummeled on this fitting anniversary in 1994 15. The 9th of Av was on the 14th of August in the year 2005. Just three days later, on August 17th, 2005 the Jews were forcibly removed from their homes in Gaza. What then does this historical data teach us? It teaches us that the God of creation will honor His word. He warned the Hebrews that if they obeyed His law and instructions they would be blessed, however if they did not, they would be cursed. It should teach us likewise. I cannot help but to compare the state of these United States with the state of Israel as she withdrew from the laws of God. It also teaches us that history does not happen hap hazardly. It is after all His Story and even when we do not understand His reasons or His purposes completely we never-the-less are able to see His prophetic signature upon the events of history. For further study see my full study of the 9th of Av at:
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 22:36:32 +0000

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