Today is the 9th of Muharram. Make niyyah to fast today and - TopicsExpress


Today is the 9th of Muharram. Make niyyah to fast today and tomorrow, insyaAllah. May Allah grant you the rewards and blessings of fasting on these 2 days. Ameen. ---------------------------------------- 10 Muharram virtues 1) The Tenth of Muharram, known as ‘Aashooraa, is a very virtuous and significant day in the Islamic Calendar. The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) advised and encouraged his Ummah to fast on this day. *Abdullaah Ibn Abbaas (radhiallaahu ‘anhu) reports: The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) came to Madeenah and found the the Jews (who were followers of Musa) fast on the tenth of Muharram. Hence the Holy Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) inquired of them, “What is the significance of this day on which you fast?” They replied, “This is a righteous day. This is the day on which Allaah rescued the Bani Israa-eel from their enemy. Thus Moosa (alayhis-salaam) fasted on this day.” The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, ” I am more worthy (of following in the footsteps of) Moosa than you.” From this day onward, the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) fasted on this day himself, and commanded others to fast as well. (Muslim) *Abu Qataadah (radhiallaahu anhu) narrates: The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was once asked regarding the fast of ‘Aashooraa, upon which he replied, ” It compensates for the sins of the past year.” (Muslim) 2. it is recommended to fast the ninth in addition to the tenth of Muharram. Abdullaah ibn Abbaas said, When the Messenger of Allaah fasted on Aashooraa and commanded the Muslims to fast as well, they said, `O Messenger of Allaah, it is a day that is venerated by the Jews and Christians. The Messenger of Allaah said : `If I live to see the next year, ‘InshaAllaah’, we will fast on the ninth day too. But it so happened that the Messenger of Allaah passed away before the next year came.”[Muslim] This year 9 and 10 Muharram is on Sunday 2nd November and Monday 3rd November insyaAllah
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:32:17 +0000

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