Today is the celebration of the feast day of the patron saint of - TopicsExpress


Today is the celebration of the feast day of the patron saint of Scotland. A lot of water has flown under the bridge in Scotland since the last 30th of November.During the intervening time period the social and political landscape of that ancient and beautiful land has changed, never to be the same again. There has been a rise, a groundswell, of native and new Scots alike, young and old, forming, becoming enlightened and aware, an awakening of political views on a scale not seen since the first half of the last century. A collective will has been established, a Movement determined to achieve one clear outcome, no matter how much longer it takes, an Independent self governing Scotland. Those with this view, and they are growing in number every week, desire a country unleashed, a country working for, and committed to, the welfare of all of its people. If history, particularly where it relates to the former years of empire, tells us anything, that end result for Scotland, like many countries before it, is now inevitable. The traditional power-brokers, the long established main stream political parties of Westminster, dont get it. They cant figure it out. They are so entrenched in their established ,cosy self fulfilling lust for greed and control that they just cant work out what is actually happening in Scotland. Their arrogance,and the taking of Scotland and its assets for granted, knows no bounds. What they cant understand they fear, and do not embrace. They revert to type and predictably do what they know how to do best, they scorn the dream, they try to undermine it with ceaseless negative propaganda, snidely shouting from the tops of milk crates on street corners, or from opulent chambers of privilege,and from their blanket media organ of state, that its about Nationalism and the SNP, rather than admit to the truth, thats it actually about social justice, fairness and the ability of a country to use its own capabilities, expertise and resources for the benefit of its people. These professional politicians try to fool those who elect them by spinning them yarns and half truths, frightening them, sowing doubt, their path littered with broken promises and mendacity.They display more public faces than their symbolic timepiece at Westminster, Big Ben. We understand and we will deliver they say. They dont and they wont. They never intended to provide any real autonomy for Scotland. Its political suicide if they ever did, like turkeys voting for Christmas. The power they hold is crumbling.They should enjoy it whilst they can,because it wont be there for much longer. In Scotland those yet to be convinced reduce in number day by day. They wont be deceived twice.Its only a matter of time, however long it takes. Scotland will take its rightful place alongside the other sovereign nations of the world. Happy St Andrews Day to all Scots, and those with Scottish association, wherever you may be. Alba Gu Brath.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 21:54:18 +0000

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