Today is the day of our 3rd stem cell Boost. No one wants to be - TopicsExpress


Today is the day of our 3rd stem cell Boost. No one wants to be doing this 3 times. The perfect scenario is 2 transplants with total remission and be normal for 20 years with a minimal maintenance plan. This boost will hopefully get things kick started again for us for a bit more of normalcy. Generally they give me shots to help speed up the recovery time on my white blood cells but this time I have to do it all on my own. The recovery time could extend for another week compared to normal so it could be rough. They are really pushing this ol boy to the limits again. Our schedule starts at 0900 this morning with a breathing treatment to help with any possible pneumonia. We then report to Infusion 4 at 1000 to prep and hopefully start the new stem cells around 1100. Everything should be pretty uneventful for a few days other than the horrible odor that comes from the stem cells that excretes through my pores. Thankful that I shouldnt be nauseous at this time or it would make it rough. We have people say it smells like cream corn and some say it smells like Turkey dinner so who knows some people may think I smell good. We dont. It should be in the 70s today so Kim may have me sitting outside in our screened in Lanai most of the day. I can guarantee that the windows will be down on the car on the way home and she will be speeding with probably a couple of dry puking gagging action. Wish us the best. Thoughts and prayers definitely needed more than ever!! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Blessings and Shaka!! \ooo/
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:45:31 +0000

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