Today is the day of political prisoners! Thus we wanna express - TopicsExpress


Today is the day of political prisoners! Thus we wanna express solidarity with all our comrades in prison all over the world. Lets bring attention to the attacks of the state that threaten our structures. Fight back against the criminalisation of our struggles against injustice and for freedom! Real social progress rarely has been made without breaking the law. To strengthen our self-defense we can support anti-repression organisations such as the ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) or the Rote Hilfe. Another option is sending letters to prisoners, which helps them with getting through their harsh daily routine. After understanding the rules which you have to follow to be able to write them (check the ABC website), its easier than it sounds and can be a very interesting communication, too. So pick one and just go ahead! No matter if its imprisoned anti-fascist comrades such as Joel (Free Joel), Linus, Josef (Free Josef #soli2401) or other anarchist prisoners - we stand behind you! And just as the abolitionist movement for the freedom of slaves was once illegal and changed history, the same thing will happen to the animal liberation movement. Shoutout to all of those, who risk life in prison to save other lives. No one is free until all are free. (A)
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:16:40 +0000

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