Today is the day to remember NETAJI SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE Whose - TopicsExpress


Today is the day to remember NETAJI SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE Whose Provisional Government of Azad Hind (Netaji as the Head of the State and the Supreme Commander of the Indian National Army) brought FREEDOM to INDIA from British Rule “India owes more to Subhas Bose than to any other man” - Michael Edwards “Future generations must read the amazing story of Netaji’s life - his fearless courage, his venerable renunciation, his sufferings and sacrifice- with pride and reverence.” and we should re-write the history of India’s freedom. If real story becomes public, many revered leaders of India would be exposed. UNIQUE PERSONALITY AND POLITICAL IDEOLOGY OF NETAJI Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is a name that glitters with glory in the history of freedom movements of the world. He emerged as an outstanding leader, not of a nation or two but of the whole Asian continent, who first rose to the topmost political position in India (Congress President); then moved from one corner to other in Europe as well as in Asia during the flames of second World War; established a Provisional Government of Free India and built an army to fight British and imperialist powers of the world. There is no parallel leader in the world history who interacted/met and influenced so many top leaders of his period in so many countries; situated in different parts of the world and with diverse ideologies. Netaji was an ardent patriot and nationalist but his nationalism was cultural not racialist. From 1921, when he became the first Indian to resign from the Indian Civil Service, until his disappearance mystery in 1945 as leader of an Indian government in exile, and even after disappearance mystery, Subhas Chandra Bose struggled ceaselessly to achieve freedom and goodwill for his beloved motherland. Throughout his political career, Indias liberation from British rule, remained Boses foremost political goal; indeed, it was a lifelong obsession. For Britain Subhas Bose was “enemy number one”. According to British secret records Subhas was “implacable foe of British rule in India” and “the most dangerous man in India”. His aim was total reconstruction of Indian society along authoritarian-socialist lines as named by him ‘Samyavad’ -- a synthesis of Justice and Equality (of Socialism) and Efficiency and Discipline (of Fascism). “The greatest and lasting act of Netaji was that he abolished all distinctions of caste and class. He was an Indian first and last” - Gandhiji Chief Justice P.B. Chakraborty of Calcutta High Court, who was Acting Governor of West Bengal in India when Lord Atlee made his first (personal) visit to an Independent India and spent two days in the Governors palace at Calcutta, asked a direct question to Mr. Atlee: “What was the real cause that had led the British to quit India in spite of winning Second World War?” In his reply Atlee said: “The principal reason was the erosion of loyalty among the Indian Army and Navy personnel to the British Crown as a result of the military activities of Netaji Subhas Bose.” Toward the end of prolonged discussion Mr. Chakraborty asked Atlee what was the extent of Gandhis influence upon the British decision to quit India. Hearing this question, Atlees lips became twisted in a sarcastic smile as he slowly chewed out the word, m-i-n-i-m-a-l! Netaji once said, “Let us create history, and let somebody else write it”. Netaji in South Asia during World War II 1943 • On 28 April 1943, the only known submarine-to-submarine transfer of passengers took place in the annals of World War II, that too in an area dominated by the enemys air and naval strength. Netaji and Abid Hasan were transshipped into the Japanese submarine via a rubber raft. • For about a month after his arrival in Tokyo, Netajis identity and presence was kept a secret. He was supposed to be a Japanese VIP named Matsuda. • On 19 June 1943, Netaji held a press conference. The non-cooperation movement must turn into an active revolt: It is our duty to pay for our liberty with our own blood. The enemy should be fought with sword. India will get freedom through armed struggle. Civil disobedience must develop into armed struggle. And only when the Indian people have received the baptism of fire on a large scale would they be qualified to achieve freedom. In a meeting Netaji announced his plan to organize Provisional Government of Free India. “It will be the task of this provisional government to lead the Indian Revolution to its successful conclusion ... The Provisional Government will have to prepare the Indian people, inside and outside India, for an armed struggle which will be the culmination of all our national efforts since 1883. We have a grim fight ahead of us. In this final march to freedom, you will have to face danger, thirst, privation, forced marches and death. Only when you pass this test freedom will be yours.” • On 5 July 1943, Netaji took over the command of the Indian National Army, Netaji said: “Soldiers of Indias army of liberation! ... Today is the proudest day of my life. Every Indian must feel proud that this Army -- his own Army -- has been organized entirely under Indian leadership and that, when the historic moment arrives, under Indian leadership it will go to battle ... “How many of us will individually survive this war of freedom, I do not know. But I do know this, that we shall ultimately win and our task will not end until our surviving heroes hold the victory parade on another graveyard of the British Empire -- Lal Kila or the Red Fortress of ancient Delhi. - Chalo Dilli “Throughout my pubic career, I have always felt that, though India is otherwise ripe for independence in every way, she has lacked one thing, namely, an army of liberation. George Washington of America could fight and win freedom, because he had his army. Garibaldi could liberate Italy because he had his armed volunteers behind him. It is your privilege and honor to be the first to come forward and organize Indias national army. By doing so, you have removed the last obstacle in our path to freedom ... When France declared war on Germany in 1939 and the campaign began, there was but one cry, which rose from the lips of German soldiers -- To Paris! To Paris! When the brave soldiers of Nippon set out on their march in December 1941, there was but one cry which rose from their lips --To Singapore! To Singapore! Comrades! My soldiers! Let your battle cry be -- To Delhi! To Delhi!!” Comrades! You have voluntarily accepted a mission that is the noblest that the human mind can conceive of. For the fulfillment of such a mission, no sacrifice is too great, not even the sacrifice of ones life ... ... Today is the proudest day of my life. For an enslaved people, there can be no greater pride, no higher honour, than to be the first soldier in the army of liberation. But this honour carries with it a corresponding responsibility and I am deeply conscious of it. I assure you that I shall be with you in darkness and in sunshine, in sorrow and in joy, in suffering and in victory. For the present, I can offer you nothing except hunger, thirst, privation, forced marches and death. But if you follow me in life and in death, as I am confident you will, I shall lead you to victory and freedom. It does not matter who among us will live to see India free. It is enough that India shall be free and that we shall give our all to make her free.” “May God now bless our Army and grant us victory in the coming fight! • On 21 October 1943, Provisional Government of Azad Hind was officially proclaimed in Singapore (Cathay Hall) at a mass rally where Netaji was unanimously elected as the Head of the State and the Supreme Commander of the Indian National Army. While taking the oath he said: “In the name of God, I take this sacred oath; that to liberate India and the three hundred eighty million of my countrymen; I, Subhas Chandra Bose, will continue the sacred war of freedom till the last breath of my life. I shall remain always a servant of India, and to look after the welfare of three hundred eighty million of Indian brothers and sisters shall be for me my highest duty. Even after winning freedom, I will always be prepared to shed even the last drop of my blood for the preservation of Indias freedom.” • The Provisional Government of Free India, with Netaji as the Head of the State, Prime Minister and Minister for War and Foreign Affairs, had several Ministers and Advisers. Recognition of the Provisional Government came quickly from nine countries -- the Axis powers and their allies. They were: Japan, Burma, Croatia, Germany, Philippines, Nanking China, Manchukio, Italy and Siam (Thailand). The Japanese Army promised all-out support for the provisional government. De Valera President of Irish Free State sent his congratulation to Bose. Later on, Russia also recognized the Provisional Government of Free India by allowing its center at Omsk.(Ref: File No. 265/INA in National Archive of India) • JAI-HIND
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:15:19 +0000

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