Today is the exact day that the Lord JESUS called my mommy home. - TopicsExpress


Today is the exact day that the Lord JESUS called my mommy home. It was one of the hardest things to go through and one of the hardest things to accept. Yet, I know Gods promise: Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. (Acts 2:21). And my Mama Cynthia Alcon Lani was truly a warrior for CHRIST;). She not only loved and served the LORD JESUS, but she received HIM into her heart and served HIM until she took her last breath:). She was a fighter and she fought and suffered hard! Though she grew weary at times, she never gave up. GOD knew her pains and sufferings and HE gave her all that she needed to sustain her. I didnt understand why GOD allowed such painful sufferings to my mom. Mom suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, she had a heart valve transplant, she developed diabetes and her kidneys started to fail, so she was on dialysis too. Early 2009 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy. She also needed a double organ transplant (heart and lungs) because of the Pulmonary Hypertension. So, you see why I never unstood at times how and why such a loving and forgiving GOD would allow such pain and suffering to an individual. It was after her passing, then I realized what GOD was doing. HE was working in the hearts of my family(-: The same year mom passed, was the year my daddy Michael Ranken Lani was diagnosed with Colon cancer and had his surgery done too right after moms mastectomy for breast cancer. Everything became humbling not only for us, but we I could see GOD working in my dad. He became soft hearted, compassionate, more loving and gentle, yet he was still the hard man that he was. When mom finally went home on October 24, 2009, my daddys heart was broken into pieces:( He cried to me and asked me why and how do I cope with this, Jocelyn? I answered and I simply told him GOD, dad;). (My relationship with him growing up was extremely shallow and harsh, but GOD had it under control.) My daddy and I became inseparable;). He became my best friend that I never had and GOD was healing his heart from his brokenness, yet HE was allowing my daddys heart to be broken for JESUS(-: I can go on and on about this, but all I can say is that GOD is large and in charge!!!!!!! On January 3, 2011 my father Michael Ranken Lani, invited JESUS CHRIST into his life and that was the day his name was written in the Book of life(-: Also, my brother Alika Lani and his family accepted CHRIST too. You see sometimes situations may not be specifically for you, but GOD knows and all we need to do is trust and obey. GOD continues to work daily in the lives of the rest of my ohana and I will not give up on my ohana, because JESUS never gave up on my dad, mom, brother, sister Janelle Lani Tancayo, and me. I know HE has awesome saving plans for the rest of my siblings and for my extended Ohana on the Lani, Alcon, and Reyes Ohana and my friends too;). Praise JESUS and if you read this long, long, post, I hope and pray for you too because if both my parents were here, they would want us to press on and stand firm for JESUS CHRIST and to share HIS Agape (unconditional) love HE has for you too;). Have an awesome JESUS filled day;). And to my beautiful Mommy Cynthia Alcon Lani, I LOVE YOU with the love of the LORD and I look forward to meeting you in that mansion in the sky with daddy, BUT GOD is not done with me yet;). WE REMEMBER YOU TODAY AND EVERYDAY OF OUR LIVES until JESUS calls us home(-:
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:33:36 +0000

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