Today is the final day of the national call to repentance. We - TopicsExpress


Today is the final day of the national call to repentance. We are called to prayer and seven hours of fasting. Most of us will have completed this call by the time the sun goes down on us. By the time the sun breaks tomorrow morning, one of two things will have occurred: We will have been successful. If this is the case, we will see changes start to come this week. They may be slow at first, but they will be noticeable. There are many possibilities for this. Here are just a couple of the possible examples. ISIS will start to be turned back in Iraq, and the beast of Revelation 17 will be put back to bed. The Federal courts will inexplicably begin to overturn rulings on gay rights and gay marriage. We will see a shift in border policy that begins to repel and turn back the invasion. A decrease in terror attacks and rocket attacks in Israel. Wait for it - a unbelievable and unexplained shift in policy from the White House. Also, Hillary drops off the political map and does not run for President. There are more possibilities here than we could ever imagine. However, what they will all have in common is that we will all notice the difference. I can see it now - an announcement from NASA declaring that all of their lunar and solar calculations are off by seven years - and that all of the coming signs will occur seven years later than originally expected. Yes, God does have the power to completely shift the heavens in such a manner. However, there is the second option - we were not successful. If this is the case - overcomers will know it in their souls. Here is part of a message I received, and part of my response: After reading the post and comments on Stews post I had to write. I have been on the 7 day prayer and I have to tell 5 I just completely burst into tears as the realization every person I had tried to reach has rejected...I said rejected the Truth...and what you have been speaking of just hit me like a ton of bricks that this was! The more I got down on my knees...the more I could see each one of them mock and resist any if a dark spirit permeated each to their hearts desire...not the love of the truth. And so you more overcomer hearing the. same we drove to the zoo today Richard with the girls...I was in the car....but not in the car...head lifted..staring out the window.....songs of praise in my head....separated...even at the zoo.... Here was m response: The has already started the separation process with me. It started two nights ago (things usually happen early with me, so I have the required perspective to write about them). With true and genuine justice (the kind we humans can rarely understand or exercise), the Lord always gives one last chance. It is part of his justice. There can be no escaping that the US did not head its last call. We have been the representation of the New Covenant. Just as Israel fully and finally rejected the Lord - so now have we rejected the Lord - or will do so by tomorrow morning. So, this will be it. Once the sun breaks over the horizon tomorrow morning, it will all begin the change. The restraining of the Holy Spirit will be lifted. All of us will be separated and disconnected. Essentially, the remaining function for the Holy Spirit between now and the trip home will be to keep the destroyer from the overcomers. It will be a surreal couple of months I think. I am glad you told me this. It only adds. As you said - one more overcomer. That is where we are now. Tomorrow will tell the story. In the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:41:03 +0000

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