Today is the first day of the rest of your life. We have all - TopicsExpress


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. We have all heard this statement before, and how true it is. Yesterday is gone and all we have is today and the rest of our lives to look forward to, make an impact on others and to make our plans straight. Yesterday is full of wrongs and mistakes that can be looked back upon to insure a brighter future, but they should not be used to hold us hostage. Yet still no matter how dark yesterday has been, or how bright today or tomorrow can appear, Jesus offers something that in which there is no comparison. REBIRTH. John 3:5-7 NASB Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, You must be born again. More than picking up the process and starting over again, Jesus is saying that we must experience a rebirth. As Jesus explains, it is not a rebirth of just attitude, desire, hind-sight, or changes in other lifestyle areas. Those are just attributes of change. Jesus is speaking of a complete change, a rebirth of your spirit. The very driving force deep inside that controls or governs every thought in our minds, as well as every action our bodies make. The day we have our truly accepted Christ we experience the Holy Spirit coming in, washing us clean with the blood Jesus shed upon the cross for our sins. We experience the resurrection from death with Christ through our newly born spirit. A spirit that looks forward to becoming closer to our Father. A spirit that has a driving desire to take the good news of His Love, Mercy and Grace to anyone who will give you an ear. A spirit that no longer live under the guidance of this world, but a spirit that listens attentive to the convictions, the direction, and the counsel of the Holy Spirit. More than just quoting a life changing prayer. More than making a decision of following a good life of morals. More than just deciding today I am starting over in a positive, productive lifestyle. Becoming born again is not a just lifestyle or just mind thought processes. Spiritual rebirth is living your life within the Kingdom of God. Walking, talking, and breathing as Jesus Christ. Exercising the gifts given to you, and even having a desire for more. Spiritual gifts, just like material gifts, are not to be just set idol. They are meant to be loved, profitable for yourself and others. You will have a need and want to share with all you meet. The difference between the opening quote and the rebirth Jesus brings are as different as night and day. The quote is a mind set of life within this present world. The rebirth through Jesus and filling with the Holy Spirit is a new life within the Kingdom of Heaven, even as you breath and walk on this earth. Today I want to ask every person who reads this, have you just asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins? Or have you asked Jesus to allow the Holy Spirit into your life to cleanse you, guide you and be your counselor, allowing you to live reborn into the Kingdom of Heaven? Examine yourself, allow the Holy Spirit to examine and convict you as you do. Truly allow your spirit to decide which path you have taken. A change in direction on your own or a change because of a rebirth through the resurrection of Jesus Christ into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:50:30 +0000

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