Today is the infamous 9/11/01 a day to remember and appreciate all - TopicsExpress


Today is the infamous 9/11/01 a day to remember and appreciate all that came along with that day. I went into labor today 13 years ago. A month early, and was laying in bed when Dennis called the house and said you need to go get Jazmyn. Me not being a tv person and not very active on dial up Internet had no idea why he was in panic mode. Turned on the tv and there it was, in the city my mom called home for so long, and a city she loved so much. I went and got Jaz and brought her home appx 10 am that day. Came home and we felt safe. My 1st internal exam was scheduled for 3pm that day and being that this was my 2nd child I knew how important it as and had that mothers intuition thing going on. The dr was closing early that day due to what was going on and I was able to keep my appt at 3pm. 7pm I still wasnt feeling right. Cramping badly and spoke with my dr, then headed to the hospital. You see I was scheduled for another c-section, due to Jaz being 98 1/4 oz and 22 long, we felt it was best. When we got to the hospital they were sending all optional surgeries and everyone else home. The hospital was filling up. Whether ladies going into labor or high risk situations. I remember the nurse asking me your opting for a c-section I said yes that was mine and my drs plan Ended up having a healthy baby at 1232am on 9/12/01. You see my daughter was separated from the placenta, blood in the amniotic fluid, and if I would have tried to have her naturally, neither one of us would have made it, as I was explained. For a few days I was in the hospital, didnt turn on the tv and I had Dennis grandma grandma Samples sit with me while I tried to rest and re cooperate . My daughter didnt have a name for a few days, I really didnt think she looked like a Kat ( her name was going to be Katarina Inez. But due to the circumstances that led me to the hospital that late evening on 9/11 I knew she wasnt a Kat. She was Destiny!!! In the midst of everyone mourning we were celebrating LIFE!! Destiny will never quite know how she was ment to be. How life changing she was for Dennis and I, for our family. Maybe when shes a mom. So today dont mourn the loss of the fallen soldiers, pilots, families, but CELEBRATE their LIFE!!! I know I am. I know we will be. Life is too short. With the blink of an eye, it really can be gone..........
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:10:12 +0000

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