Today is what one would call the Day From Hell As I stated - TopicsExpress


Today is what one would call the Day From Hell As I stated earlier this morning as I was pouring my first cup of my morning elixir, I had to take my mom for the first of her three doctor appointments this week. The day started off fine as I left early to run and do a few errands before heading over to her house. The first two stops went smoothly, well almost as one of the places that I called yesterday said that they have the item, only to get there today and find out that they dont and they are out of stock. STRIKE ONE Then I get to moms house early and figure Ill kill some time there before taking her to her doctors appointment. We then get ready to leave and I get her into my car and start the engine. As luck would have it, it did not start. Dead Battery = STRIKE TWO So with 20 minutes to spare, I load her into her car, walker and all and when I go to start her car, you guessed it. Her battery was dead also: STRIKE THREE She said lets just cancel the appointment. To which I said, well walk there if we have to but you are going to get there someway, somehow. Her neighbor across the street just was pulling in and I told him of our dilemma and he said take my car. Without hesitation, I reloaded mom and off we went with minutes to spare. All the way there which was all of 5 minutes, all I heard was that we should have canceled, we should have canceled,..etc. Well she made it and while there, I had them check my blood pressure well. When we got home, I called AAA (automotive that is) to come out and she needed a new battery which they installed. I had to call Roadside Service for my car as it was still under warranty and so was the battery. They got my car jump started and I drove it to the dealership as both my car and the battery is still under warranty. What a day!!! Wheres the vodka!!! And to think that I have to do this all again tomorrow and Friday. I may be calling the other AA by the end of this week. Stay tuned and pray for me!!!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 22:57:36 +0000

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